Adam is so fickle. Always trying new coffees. What about the tried and true? It wakes you up and gives you a sense of stability. Who needs lattes? Who need frappuccinos? Just give me my regular cup of joe and plenty of them!
I usually drink instant black coffee. It does the job – clears out the morning cobwebs. But, every autumn, I enjoy it with various flavored creamers and lots of sugar. Sitting in my heated easy chair on cool mornings is a bonus.
rekam Premium Member over 4 years ago
Our coffee addict is in seventh heaven.
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Let’s see your back!!!!
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 4 years ago
I retired in the nick of time. My former boss did away with the coffee service.
pschearer Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oh, that’s right. It’s Monday. Makes sense, seeing as how yesterday was Sunday. [sigh]
Dyonia over 4 years ago
Dang. I was kinda waiting for a continuation of the duct tape wax job story arc.
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Beats “Back Hair Saturday”.
Doctor Toon over 4 years ago
I love this strip because sometimes I identify with Adam, love of coffee, hairy back,…
This is one of the ways I am very different
I don’t drink coffee for the taste, and flavored coffees make me gag
nosirrom over 4 years ago
Adam is so fickle. Always trying new coffees. What about the tried and true? It wakes you up and gives you a sense of stability. Who needs lattes? Who need frappuccinos? Just give me my regular cup of joe and plenty of them!
assrdood over 4 years ago
I usually drink instant black coffee. It does the job – clears out the morning cobwebs. But, every autumn, I enjoy it with various flavored creamers and lots of sugar. Sitting in my heated easy chair on cool mornings is a bonus.
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
How many different blends of coffee are there anyway?
TheFiddleBackSpider over 4 years ago
Wow, we’re getting all these different angles of Adam’s large nose
KEA over 4 years ago
new coffee??
raybarb44 over 4 years ago
I must agree. There really is nothing as great as that first sip of a freshly brewed cup of new coffee in the morning…..
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ah yes. The Coffee Happy Howl. Very powerful in many cultures. I hear it is most cathartic.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
So is he goin’ to be hmmmmmming the rest of the week?