Bob did you fall into the land of Candy – Corn ? Watch out if there is a Mad – Hatter ;-)
Bob needs to work on his diet. Half-moons, dog chews, sunflowers, and now candy corn. No wonder he’s having bad dreams.
ah… the ‘R’ months… cool weather, all the best Holidays, fresh oysters, and candy corn; life can not get any better!
Like the set decoration on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ this week.
September 04, 2015
Breadboard over 4 years ago
Bob did you fall into the land of Candy – Corn ? Watch out if there is a Mad – Hatter ;-)
Egrayjames over 4 years ago
Bob needs to work on his diet. Half-moons, dog chews, sunflowers, and now candy corn. No wonder he’s having bad dreams.
bulldinky1 over 4 years ago
ah… the ‘R’ months… cool weather, all the best Holidays, fresh oysters, and candy corn; life can not get any better!
MS72 over 4 years ago
Like the set decoration on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ this week.