Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for September 29, 2020

  1. 144873 avatar
    kingdiamond69  over 4 years ago

    Or be a fake conservative like Donald Trump throw money at all of the problems you created with your reckless trade tariffs and run our national debt up another 2.7 trillion dollars with nothing to show for it.

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    cdward  over 4 years ago

    I think what you mean is, if at first you don’t succeed, go ask daddy for another couple hundred million. After that, ask the ?Russians.

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    sandpiper  over 4 years ago

    In some circles, socialism is not socially acceptable.

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    No billionaire left behind. Corporate profits are private and the costs (pollution of air, water and soil) are socialized.

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  5. Grinch coffee
    I was FRAMED!!!!!!  over 4 years ago

    Socialism is a scare word the have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 100 years. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, farm price supports, bank deposit insurance and the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.

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    ncorgbl  over 4 years ago

    Bill and Eric’s Great Adventure must have hit a snag. The conservative way is if at first you don’t succeed, cheat your neighbor.

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    richsunaz3642  over 4 years ago

    Or you could become a republican and lye and steel like trump!

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    You guys have become such blatant trumpfluffers I have been forced to move you from my Single Panel page to my Political/Editorial page. Do you swallow or does tiny let you spit it out?

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    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    I think he means go into public service.

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    aussie399 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    And democrats don’t lie, steal (note correct spelling but what to expect from a lefty socialist), maim, burn, destroy, disobey whatever laws they don’t like, expect the government to support them from taxes (what happens if no one earns money to pay taxes) and so on.Sorry but I have to say it.I’m from Australia and I always voted Labor (our equivalent of your demmys but not that crazy).I became ashamed of our Prim Minister in about 1990 and since then simply have not been able to bring myself to vote Labor because of their rank stupidity and corruptness).If I was in your country I would be completely ashamed to even consider voting democrat. Any political body that will not argue factually, ignores fact and and reality and encourages civil disobedience and biased censorship does not deserve to exist

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