Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 25, 2020

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    A present from a MAGA rally.

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    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    Re: 22-Oct-20 Scott Stantis official editorial cartoon.

    His depiction of Joe and Hunter in that cartoon would seem to make it pretty clear that he is not about to vote for Biden.

    The usual kool-aid: No matter how bad Trump is, for America, for Republicans, for conservatives, for the entire world,

    Democrats is still worstest.

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    braindead Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Trump knows more about wind than anyone. Because his mind. His mind is incredible, bigly great.

    He also does not know whether he tested positive on the day of the first debate.

    And he does not know when he last tested negative.


    Unless, um, unless he DID test positive on the day of the first debate and lied about it in hopes of infecting his opponent.

    But even Trump could not be THAT despicable, right? Right? Right? [I canā€™t hear you]

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  4. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 4 years ago

    People still donā€™t get that tRump engages in opposite speak.

    When he says that he knows more about wind than anyone it means that he doesnā€™t know squat.

    When he says that heā€™s going to give us a better health care bill it means that he is never going to propose a better health care bill.

    When he says that the Bidens have gotten millions from foreign sources heā€™s admitting that he and his family have received millions from foreign sources.

    Least prejudiced? Then why did he insist that no black men should be involved with the construction of tRump tower. Or that the black man sitting in the lobby of tRump tower waiting for a job interview shouldnā€™t be there.

    The smartest business man? Right ā€“ twelve bankruptcies!

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Maybe, just maybe, thereā€™s hope for us. Meacham has a nice piece in the Times today about the echoes of the 68 sounding in 2020. The 60s started with the bright idealism of JFK, culminating in the summer of love of 67. Unfortunately our dreams of a new egalitarian world were dashed on the dark rocks of Wallace & Nixon, triggering the backlash of Reagan which endured for 40 years. Climaxing in the dark despair of Trump.

    Could it be that be that his venal vulgarism triggers the backlash against the backlash? Is there a bright new morning dawning ahead? Maybe that hopey changey thing can work out after all.

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    Silly Season   over 4 years ago

    With just over two weeks to go before Americans render their final verdict on his presidency, Donald Trumpā€™s campaign has taken on an aura that is equal parts reality show rerun and a heaping chicken soup for his unceasingly aggrieved soul.

    Trump has resumed the campaign rallies that have defined his political career, flouting the guidelines and regulations promulgated by both his own White House Coronavirus Task Force and the health departments in the states that have hosted them.

    His campaign is largely run by the same loyalists whoā€™ve surrounded him since he announced his first bid for the presidency in 2015 (minus those whoā€™ve been indicted and/or convicted of federal crimes), and shady sources on the fringes of his political orbit are using stolen (and possibly forged) emails to promote outlandish claims about his opponent and his opponentā€™s family.

    And just as he punctuated rally after rally in the closing weeks of the 2016 race with emails Russiaā€™s military intelligence service stole from the Democratic National Committee and published through WikiLeaks, Trump is again making stolen documents of questionable origin a centerpiece of his stump speech.


    (Rick Wilson)

    ā€œDonald Trump, having been infected with Covid out of his own stupidity, has essentially been telling the American people heā€™s so very fit for years when the evidence is quite obviously the opposite,ā€ he explained.

    ā€œHeā€™s a doddering obese guy who has lived a hard life of fried chicken and filet-o-fish. This is not a man at the peak of his physical condition, so the attacks on Joe Bidenā€™s health when Joe Biden can clearly do more push-ups than Donald Trump is not even going to be close to effective.ā€


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    dotbup  over 4 years ago

    ā€˜Very Dark Moment for the Senateā€™: Republicans Block Consideration of Covid Relief While Rushing Ahead With Barrett Confirmation-

    They bribed (blackmailed) one to step down, stole another and changed the rules they created for the 3rd.

    According to Heritage Foundation data and the CDCā€™s COVID data, a coronavirus death is 2,106 times more likely to occur than a case of voter fraud. According to Republican focus, strategy and action, they would rather you die than vote.

    I canā€™t even begin to adequately describe the vile nature of every Republican politician and all their bootlicking voters.

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