@Linguist Today’s strip IS funny but a variation of a theme , our hero Mr Andrew Capp , only invests his bummed money if there is a chance of some profit :o) my avatar is a cartoon of a lady anger management eployee answering a call using language that would make a salor blush :o) come avete passato la vostra giornata mio meno vechio amico ? our day should be busy but calm I hope ,my better half is in a good mood and her three legged cat is back to normal so I’m good , stay safe and stop worrying that your American head of state and consort have caught the Covid 19 virus :oP , a bientot
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Charity man had to be standing in front of the bookies.
AFFICIONADO over 4 years ago
@Linguist Today’s strip IS funny but a variation of a theme , our hero Mr Andrew Capp , only invests his bummed money if there is a chance of some profit :o) my avatar is a cartoon of a lady anger management eployee answering a call using language that would make a salor blush :o) come avete passato la vostra giornata mio meno vechio amico ? our day should be busy but calm I hope ,my better half is in a good mood and her three legged cat is back to normal so I’m good , stay safe and stop worrying that your American head of state and consort have caught the Covid 19 virus :oP , a bientot
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Our Andy’s “concern” for animals is well-known. The faster the better!
franksmin over 4 years ago
Typical Andy, selfish bars***d, couldn’t give a toss about helpless animals in need of a just a small helping hand
Michael G. over 4 years ago
The vicar would no doubt beam at this act of kindness by Andy, wouldn’t he?
l3i7l over 4 years ago
Although we have not seen them for a while, Andy also cares about his pigeons.
Bruce1253 over 4 years ago
In the US there are about 1,000 horse racing deaths per year.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
And by ‘spend’ he means ‘lose’.
Lightpainter over 4 years ago
I’ve never understood the attraction of horse racing.
Linguist over 4 years ago
Glad to see Andy’s donating to a worthy cause, and contributing to perpetuating the survival of that beloved species – the neighborhood bookie …
dv1093 over 4 years ago
Everyone saw that coming.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
tad1 over 4 years ago
Andy’s idea of a worthy cause is himself.