Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for October 23, 2020

  1. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  over 4 years ago

    Happy Friday Vagabonds

    Right now 54 degrees, predicted high 63. A mix of clouds and sun. I think that means there will more clouds then sun, But if sun come first? (^.^)

    My haunted house avatar has changed, this is how the Hayden House looks today with it’s new ell part and the garage where the kitchen used to be.

    With the passing of the house from the Hayden family in the late 1920s, it sat mostly unoccupied from then to the early 1960s when it was purchased by the Chadwick’s, a pair of teachers, he from El Paso, Texas and she from Orleans, Vermont. They found each other at a college in Georgia. Makes me think of that song “I start walking your way, you start walking mine, we’ll meet in the middle neth that old Georgia pine.” I don’t know about the pine but they met in Georgia. Anyway, they set about restoring the house, must be the ghosts approved because the restoration continues even after the passing of the Chadwicks.

    Evelyn Chadwick came to our church as a Sunday school teacher and William S. came a little later as our interim pastor (the interim was 25 years) The house is still in the Chadwick family.

    If you head south on Rt. 14 out of Albany village as you crest the hill beside the first Hayden house you’ll see the brick building looking pretty much the same as when it was built.

    Well, another day among the oldest mountains in the world. May your way be pleasant and God give you peace.


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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  over 4 years ago

    Good Sunny morning, Vagabonds,

    It’s 15 right now, and will settle in at 31 later this afternoon. But, there is a winter storm warning for tonight thru Sunday morning, with expected snowfall up to 15 inches! That probably means we’ll get 3 or 4 inches. Brrrrr!

    I had to send in a new voter signature update to our county. My signature is quite different from the last one I sent in. Let’s hope they get it in time for me to send in my ballot next week.

    Mark, I love your history lessons.


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  3. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  over 4 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    We went out and voted yesterday. Nevada has early voting that started on the 17th. There was quite a line at the senior center that housed the polling place. I prefer to cast my vote in person via voting machine because of less chance of fraud. I tore my “vote by mail” ballot in half before turning it in at the check in booth.

    All of the Covid precautions were in place. Masks were required and there were marks on the floor keeping the folks in line 6 feet apart. The check in was via a tablet-type screen, facing (thru plexiglass) an attendant who then issued a “smart card” which you took to the next room. The card is fed into the voting machine to activate it. There are partitions between each voting and check in booth and a person that goes behind the voters in both rooms and sanitizes the booths after they are done. All along the way were workers who kept things moving smoothly without crowding anyone. All in all, it was a great experience.

    We went out for a walk again this morning, although a whole lot shorter than yesterday’s. I love the feeling of exhilaration I get after exercising.

    I got another color done yesterday on my painting. Some of the places to be painted are so narrow that it feels like I need only 1 hair on a tiny brush to cover them. I did find that the use of a magnifier helps quite a bit.

    I took Smokey out for a walk this morning, too. She decided that she wanted to explore the big tree just outside of our patio. So up she went and spent around 10 minutes exploring. It’s a great “kitty tree” with large branches, lots of lizards and the birds like it too.

    Weather is holding at “same old, same old”. AQI is 64 and yellow.

    Everyone be safe and have a blessed day.

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  4. Photo0062a
    chris.smith618  over 4 years ago

    Good afternoon, Vagabonds.

    Well, after 2 days of sunshine we are back to rain. We started our day at 63 and are now down to 43 and falling. Our weatherman has hinted that we may have our first snowfall on Monday, we will see.

    It has been a quiet day here. All I have done is putter around doing normal house stuff without really accomplishing anything. Maybe tomorrow I can be more motivated to accomplish rather than just do. ;)

    Everyone have a wonderful day.

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