Prickly City by Scott Stantis for October 21, 2020

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    Scott is actually moving “on point”!

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Again, not even satire, just plain reporting the facts.

    I know I’ve said in the past the virus is neither blue nor red, but who knew Donnie would make it a permanent houseguest?

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    braindead Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Trump Disciples will not recognize that it is Their Messiah who did the politicizing and continues to do it.

    Just like they cannot figure out that they are “those disgusting people” that Trump hates to shake hands with.


    Analysis skills.


    (And Trump is STILL a Traitor)

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    braindead Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Will Trump will fire Bill Barr and appoint Rudy as ‘acting’ Attorney General?

    He’s got only two weeks before the election.

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    danielmkimmel  over 4 years ago

    Trump is right. We’re turning the corner. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong corner.

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    Silly Season   over 4 years ago

    A persistent falsehood has been circulating on social media: the number of COVID deaths is much lower than the official statistic of more than 218,000, and therefore the danger of the disease has been overblown. ✁

    Now some facts: Researchers know beyond a doubt that the number of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have surpassed 200,000. These numbers are supported by three lines of evidence, including death certificates.

    The inaccurate idea that only 6 percent of the deaths were really caused by the coronavirus is “a gross misinterpretation” of how death certificates work, says Robert Anderson, ✁

    The first source of death data is called case surveillance. Health care providers are required to report cases and deaths from certain diseases, including measles, mumps and now COVID-19, to their state’s health department, which, in turn, passes this information along to the CDC, Anderson says.

    The surveillance data are a kind of “quick and dirty” accounting, says Shawna Webster, ✁

    This second line of evidence comes from the National Vital Statistics System, which records birth and death certificates. When somebody dies, a death certificate is filed in the state where the death occurred.

    And after the records are registered at a state level, they are sent to the National Center for Health Statistics, which tracks deaths at a national level.

    Death certificates are not filed in the system until outstanding test results are in and the information is as complete as possible.

    By the time a record gets to the vital records system, “it is as close to perfect as it’s going to get,” Webster says.

    The surveillance and vital statistics data provide a pretty good picture of how many deaths are attributable to the coronavirus, but they do not capture all of them, and that is where the final line of evidence come in: excess deaths.


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    William Robbins Premium Member over 4 years ago

    He shouldn’t need directions, they give him a ride to every one. Had to Like every post on here today…

    Side effect of Barr acting as Trump’s lawyer: even if his action is righteous, it will be dismissed as political.

    Bloomberg Opinion Today: Big Tech to see government tailor about size of britches — Big Tech’s Comeuppance Begins … a new Justice Department lawsuit against Google, the first step in what could be a long-overdue comeuppance for these companies. Tae Kim says the case is smart to aim right for Google’s most egregious practices in its core business of search. And those practices — including paying eye-watering sums to partners such as Apple to favor its products above others — look eerily similar to those employed by Microsoft 22 years ago, writes Joe Nocera. The DOJ sued that company, too, and won.

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    kipallen  over 4 years ago

    I guess Covid already listed a BLM rally.

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    dotbup  over 4 years ago

    McConnell Admits He’s Been Working to Sabotage Covid Relief Talks Behind the Scenes to Prioritize Rushing Barrett Confirmation-

    It’s been said that McConnell is afraid of passing a 2.2 trillion stimulus before an election that may result in a Democratic majority in the Senate.

    He wants the blame on Democrats for that deficit for future Republican candidates to use in campaign ads. He’s a career politician who looks at his big picture. He’s already thinking of 2024 and wants no part of a stimulus that will cause that deficit.

    Thats why he has no problem bailing out large corporations vs little people. He has lobbyists to please. We can’t grease his pocketbook later – they will. Helping us does nothing for him.

    GOP continues being a party of Anti-Human garbage run by total sociopaths

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    MollyCat  over 4 years ago

    Ooooh, a mass spreading event.

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    Rabies65  over 4 years ago

    Gastonia (NC) Municipal Airport, this evening. Covid is most welcome and should bring his friends.

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