Loose Parts by Dave Blazek for October 29, 2020

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  over 4 years ago

    Now that’s scary.

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  2. Missing large
    TStyle78  over 4 years ago

    I hate fitted sheets.

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  3. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 4 years ago

    everyone knows you can’t fold fitted sheets…

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  4. Bobcat and wesley
    wrloftis  over 4 years ago

    Before TRYING to fold it, look inside it for all of your missing socks.

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  5. Missing large
    dflak  over 4 years ago

    We had a house full of company once: my wife’s two sisters and all of their children – 5 girls and one boy – I convince my nephew that he had to leave to toilet seat up. It was our subtle rebellion against the tide of estrogen against which we were swimming.

    One day before the invasion, we are driving in the car, and I could see that my wife was counting off something on her fingers. I asked her, “What are you doing?” She replied, “counting sheets.” I asked, “Are we planning on hosting a Klan convention?”

    My wife flew up to NJ to meet up with one of the sisters, and the other sister came in with her brood from overseas. The three women and assorted offspring rented a van and drove down. They did the reverse going home.

    While my wife was gone for the return trip. I stripped the beds and did all the laundry. I folded everything except the fitted sheets. My wife later told me that folding fitted sheets is a secret passed down from mothers to daughters for generations and that anyone with a Y chromosome is forbidden to know it.

    Her mom must have taught her some other tricks too. She can fold T-shirts and underwear by “flapping it” in the air. I need a flat surface and it still doesn’t come out as good as when she does it.

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  6. Img 4401
    Zebrastripes  over 4 years ago

    They’re folded the way I fold em…it is what it is…

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  7. Strega
    P51Strega  over 4 years ago

    ♫ You got to know when to hold ’em, ♪

    ♪ know when to fold ’em ♪

    ♫ know when to stuff ’em in the closet and just walk away ♪

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  8. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Stuff into a drawer until needed.

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  9. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 4 years ago

    It’s always a priority to fold sheets when I visit my Mom.

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  10. Missing large
    exness Premium Member over 4 years ago

    What’s to fold? I just put it back on the bed.

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  11. Facepalm bear 2
    Lablubber   over 4 years ago

    Hey ghost! Wanna play poker?

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  12. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  over 4 years ago

    Even worse is a drunk ghost. Three sheets to the wind…

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  13. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 4 years ago

    Is he having some kind of fit?

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