Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for October 31, 2020

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago
    I had learned to call thee Father,

    Thru thy Spirit from on high,But, until the key of knowledgeWas restored, I knew not why.In the heavens are parents single?No, the thought makes reason stare!Truth is reason; truth eternalTells me I’ve a mother there.

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    bookworm0812  over 4 years ago


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    Jefano Premium Member over 4 years ago

    After a number of attempts to hear this with an Australian accent, it finally struck me that I needed to mentally pronounce both the vowel in “her” and the one in the first syllable of “Hera” with a short e sound. (In my usual pronunciation, the vowel in “her” is a schwa and the one in “Hera” between a short i and a long e.) Did I get it right?

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    jaydogg187  over 4 years ago

    The only thing I’ve ever needed to know about marriage was that God, for all His power and wisdom, never got married.

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    asrialfeeple  over 4 years ago

    1 Corinthians 7:8-9

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