He passed for clever by having an answer, he is wise by not reveling the truth
I hate looking for stuff, so my keys are always in my pants pocket, on the night stand or in a lock/ignition.
Maybe Herb has seen his keys…
He threw it out with the trash:)
It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
nicka93 over 3 years ago
He passed for clever by having an answer, he is wise by not reveling the truth
david_42 over 3 years ago
I hate looking for stuff, so my keys are always in my pants pocket, on the night stand or in a lock/ignition.
tcayer over 3 years ago
Maybe Herb has seen his keys…
edle5 over 3 years ago
He threw it out with the trash:)
Scoutmaster77 over 3 years ago
It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.