Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for November 21, 2004

  1. Jellyfish
    Me_Again  over 14 years ago

    Golly? Jeepers? My mom is over 50 years old and she doesn’t say “jeepers”.

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    archatheist  over 14 years ago

    I guess she doesn’t live in Malta.

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    ahem Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Great plan! I wonder if he got the idea from one of the Cowardly Living brochures? Now all that’s needed is for Brewster to shoot the robot in the back and hope the collapsing colossal doesn’t crush our poor little Winky.

    But if it does, oh well, at least we’ll be spared from hearing more “jeepers” and “golly gees” for a while.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 6 years ago

    What’s its power supply? If battery, run until it runs out of juice — or you trip. If it’s nuclear, you may have to run a few years — or you trip.

    How does it move? If it’s electrical, running it through water might short-circuit the wiring and stop the function. If it’s hydraulic, get it to spring a leak and it will stop when out of fluid. If pneumatic, blocking air intake might disable it.

    How does it navigate? If it is by sight, you can stop it by bright lights or darkness, by paint, by grease on lenses, flour, dust, dirt, more water, your shirt. Blocking the optics or shorting them out should disable it.

    If by sound, loud noises or blocking should do the trick.

    Can it stoop? If not, short entrances should block it.

    What about traction? Grease or oil at a turn might make it fall.

    Can it be distracted? If so, doubling back by Dr. Mel or someone else might do the trick.

    Can it climb? How fast can it turn? Study your opponent as you run. Survival is possible.

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