Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for November 20, 2020

  1. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    We have a new pill. You have a need for it?

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  2. Bugs
    Grumpy Old Guy  over 4 years ago

    A lot of those pharmaceutical names must be put together with random Scrabble tile draws

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    Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 4 years ago

    No, there are a lot of sick people in this country. Mask up please.

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    cracker65  over 4 years ago

    Yes the election IS OVER.

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    DorothyGlenn Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I thought a plus side to quarantine would be chance to get stuff done around here. Sort and clear some rubble. But, I just turned into a lazy butt, tv binge watcher. Dang!

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  6. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 4 years ago

    These pharmaceutical commercials help make a lot of money for the drug companies. And reading the list of side effects has put a lot of money in the pockets of John Moschitta Jr.

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    gsawyer101  over 4 years ago

    Medicare ads are on more often than pharmaceutical ads. Ignoring its historical meaning can’t wait for December 7.

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    trainnut1956  over 4 years ago

    Ask your doctor if new Damitol¼ is right for you! (Disclaimer – watching this commercial may cause brain cancer, instant death, liver failure, hammer toes and tooth decay)

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    bruce1966  over 4 years ago

    Let me get this straight. Pharmaceutical companies have been moving Heaven and Earth to come up with covid vaccines in record time, and you still want to bash them ?!? It’s hard to think of an industry that’s done so much good but been so reviled.

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  10. Tom ter
    pathamil  over 4 years ago

    Jeff Foxworthy – Medicine side effects

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    joedon2007  over 4 years ago

    drug ads and medicare adds; least all the political ads are done.

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    joedon2007  over 4 years ago

    drug ads and medicare adds; least all the political ads are done.

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    david_42  over 4 years ago

    It’s not over until the fat guy gets hauled off to prison. It’s a shame our Country has gotten to this point.

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  14. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Do other nations show incessant TV advertisements for medicines like in the U.S.?

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    DawnQuinn1  over 4 years ago

    The election is not over til Trump says it is
and that can be four more years. lol

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    ncorgbl  over 4 years ago

    I’ve come to tears and adopted cats, dogs and a tiger cub. Updated my Medicare 3 times since Joe Namath told me it was “FREE!”.

    When I actually listen to the pharmaceutical disclaimers two things stand out. ’Don’t take it if you’re allergic to it’. How do you know? The side effects are worse than the affliction.

    Oh, and the toenail meds take 9 months to work. Won’t it just grow out by then?

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    Lou  over 4 years ago

    For elections lasting more than 4 weeks, consult your doctor.

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  18. Mark t. regan
    mark_t_regan Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I gave up watching legacy ‘TV’ (OTA and cable) decades ago, never really found anything worth watching. Same for the ‘news’ network too channels. Now, with internet streaming, that’s a horse of a different color, so to speak. At least you can pick and choose what you want to watch, when you want to watch it, and without commercials, too, for the most part, that is.

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  19. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  over 4 years ago

    Don’t have those in Canada. Rather stay sick than risk all the side effects they mention

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  20. Scullyufo
    ScullyUFO  over 4 years ago

    While I understand, it’s “choosing what you want to watch” that’s dividing us.

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  21. Fsm
    flying spaghetti monster  over 4 years ago

    what I learned is all the medicines for problems I have never heard of.

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    42ntson  over 4 years ago

    Right on both counts

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    Cincoflex  over 4 years ago

    yeah, I’m always more afraid of the rolling list of side effects!

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  24. Dvincent
    dv1093  over 4 years ago

    I’d like to know WHO these stupid pill commercials are trying to market to? Do they seriously expect the viewer to “Ask your Doctor about
” What a waste of time, money, and, well, thank goodness someone invented the MUTE button.

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  25. Rcaf1
    wvrr  over 4 years ago

    Only in America are these stupid drug commercials even foisted on people. 20 seconds telling them how GREAT the drug is, 30 seconds telling people it will kill you in a thousand awful ways and 10 seconds reminding the marks that the new drug is really wonderful. Thank the lord we don’t get them here so we can just turn to another channel.

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  26. Triumph
    Daeder  over 4 years ago

    I thought Arlo was talking about all the people with covid.

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    raybarb44  over 4 years ago

    When they find a cure for stupid, all will be well

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    malaboo44  over 4 years ago


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    WilliamDoerfler  over 4 years ago


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  30. Purpleopus
    PurpleOpus  over 4 years ago

    and if you have trouble paying for your prescription, (insert relevant big pharm company name here) may be able to help you pay to stay on whatever chemicals you’ve been convinced you should be on, because really, we’re all just a bunch of legalized drug pushers.

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  31. Joliet jake blues
    Joliet Jake  over 4 years ago

    I’ve discovered I (apparently) need drugs for diseases I never even knew existed.

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    nisedc  over 4 years ago

    Better tell that to old what’s his name.

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    DebUSNRet  over 4 years ago

    ..or the Medicare commercials!

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