Don’t worry, if you are hanging out in a bar, with no mask, you won’t die surrounded by loved ones, at least not your own. They won’t be allowed in the room. Instead, you will be surrounded by someone else’s loved ones, who are risking their lives to take care of you.
Being the black sheep son of the black sheep of the family, I haven’t had a loved one in my life in several decades. If my obituary says I died surrounded by loved ones, it will be a complete and utter lie.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 4 years ago
“I would rather die among complete strangers, or at least among regulars. I can talk with those folks.”
COL Crash about 4 years ago
So is he going for an obit that says he died surrounded by his drinking buddies who hoped he would include a round of drinks for them in his will.
Ratkin Premium Member about 4 years ago
He was an ale fellow well, wet.
Mayor Snorkum about 4 years ago
The guy on the left is asking a question that no one ever, ever asks in a bar. Unless, that is, the person he’s asking it of isn’t drinking alcohol.
Buckeye67 about 4 years ago
Duh, because I am an alcoholic.
Diane Lee Premium Member about 4 years ago
Don’t worry, if you are hanging out in a bar, with no mask, you won’t die surrounded by loved ones, at least not your own. They won’t be allowed in the room. Instead, you will be surrounded by someone else’s loved ones, who are risking their lives to take care of you.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
With Covid it might be: died while being observed in a Zoom call…
theincrediblebulk about 4 years ago
Being the black sheep son of the black sheep of the family, I haven’t had a loved one in my life in several decades. If my obituary says I died surrounded by loved ones, it will be a complete and utter lie.