Methinks there were nought enough brave hearts to bespeak their LOVE of their fanciful remembrances of THEIR "Emmy Lou’s and Taffy’s…Nor the Fair Maidens whom would had loved to have “Been” them….I love the twinkle in their eyes… Marty Links could express it so well….Don’t let us lose this…..
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
Well, at least all she got from Alvin was a cold.
HarryLime about 4 years ago
If you feel sick . . . STAY THE HECK HOME!!!
A R V reader about 4 years ago
Alvin should’ve stayed home with that cold, but Alvin is Alvin.
chain gang charlie about 4 years ago
At least with all of their food he eats at their house He has spared themHeartburn, and gastronomic problems….
Thomas R. Williams about 4 years ago
A seminal moment in their relationship.
brklnbern about 4 years ago
Interesting logic.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
Maybe you’ll be back this Saturday.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
I wonder if the Gray Lake dam ruptured again. Maybe Emmy Lou and Taffy are on their way to fix it, again.
daisypekin01 about 4 years ago
Dum, dadum dum du-umm!
chain gang charlie about 4 years ago
Methinks there were nought enough brave hearts to bespeak their LOVE of their fanciful remembrances of THEIR "Emmy Lou’s and Taffy’s…Nor the Fair Maidens whom would had loved to have “Been” them….I love the twinkle in their eyes… Marty Links could express it so well….Don’t let us lose this…..
mpearl about 4 years ago
GoComics really needs to give stewardship of this comic to some one else!
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
Maybe you will be back tomorrow. Or, they are getting ready to delete you at the end of the year. They better not.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
They are getting ready to delete you, Emmy Lou. But don’t worry. We’ll remember you. Rest in peace.
brklnbern about 4 years ago
Setting a new record for absence.
Craig Lillie about 4 years ago
Every time GOComics kills a strip, another sub cancels this service.