Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for December 31, 2020

  1. 704fe3d1 4a7d 495f a742 2d8456861f60
    admiree2  about 4 years ago

    Think of that symbolism as the fourth consecutive year of the leadership, Granny. The numbers of those in your situation have greatly increased in that time period as you and many of your peers struggle to keep it together.

    Try not to think of a Fat Orange Clown on the golf course daily. He does take a break to order that expensive new white marble and dark wood be ripped out of his resort residence because he does not like his third wife’s remodeling.

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    whenlifewassimpler  about 4 years ago

    admiree2 truer words were never spoken. Kudos to you admiree and a very Happy New Year.

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