Been there, done that.
A man helping to wash the dishes??? What is this, F Minus or Bizarro?
Like a hog, it becomes a vicious cycle.
’We’re busy that day." Repeat as necessary.
We’ve had many neighbors who figured out how to stop it. They didn’t reciprocate the first time!
You don’t have to accept another invitation…
“They didn’t give you a gift, they gave you an obligation”. Sheldon Cooper.
I always wonder why they call it “entertaining” when it’s clearly a chore for everyone involved in a dinner party.
November 07, 2013
Ratkin Premium Member about 4 years ago
Been there, done that.
Pedmar Premium Member about 4 years ago
A man helping to wash the dishes??? What is this, F Minus or Bizarro?
mikeyman about 4 years ago
Like a hog, it becomes a vicious cycle.
davanden about 4 years ago
’We’re busy that day." Repeat as necessary.
WCraft about 4 years ago
We’ve had many neighbors who figured out how to stop it. They didn’t reciprocate the first time!
ferddo about 4 years ago
You don’t have to accept another invitation…
locake about 4 years ago
“They didn’t give you a gift, they gave you an obligation”. Sheldon Cooper.
AdoraTsang about 4 years ago
I always wonder why they call it “entertaining” when it’s clearly a chore for everyone involved in a dinner party.