If you use a credit card, some of your info is some fraudster’s database. If you have an account in any business, some of your info is in some fraudster’s database. They are just putting all the data together to be able to steal your assets. It’s just that the less able are still using simple deception because it gives results.
At first I thought that scammers would object to being exposed… but then I realized that it doesn’t matter since some people can never fathom that a religious scam could even exist…
Here's Waldo about 4 years ago
Gullibility. It’s running rampant.
LookingGlass Premium Member about 4 years ago
If you have “callerID” and the “area code” reads “000,” that should be your first clue!!
The Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
Yeah, he only takes bitcoins!
StratmanRon about 4 years ago
Haven’t heard the ‘Bunco’ reference for years – Good one, Dan!
Linguist about 4 years ago
There’s no God in the Fraud Squad.
drycurt about 4 years ago
If you use a credit card, some of your info is some fraudster’s database. If you have an account in any business, some of your info is in some fraudster’s database. They are just putting all the data together to be able to steal your assets. It’s just that the less able are still using simple deception because it gives results.
ferddo about 4 years ago
At first I thought that scammers would object to being exposed… but then I realized that it doesn’t matter since some people can never fathom that a religious scam could even exist…