The City by John Backderf for February 04, 2009

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    Geekologist  about 16 years ago

    Talk about taking a totally unfunny thing and making it vaguely entertaining.

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    Edcole1961  about 16 years ago

    Don’t worry, Derf. There are still plenty of right-wing idiots out there who continue to defend the policies that caused the whole situation in the first place, and are fighting against the policies that will correct things.

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    I had predicted that cartoonists who targeted Bush, Cheney, the Repubs, etc., would be hard-pressed to find another subject, but I could not have imagined they could sink this low. At least he’s honest about his lack of creativity.

    As for Edcole, I apologize on behalf of those of us who believe government should be constitutionally limited for the “right-wing idiots” among us and I extend my sincere admiration for the complete absence of left-wing idiots in the world.

    (Snicker, choke! I’m sorry, I just couldn’t keep a straight face while saying that.)

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  4. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 16 years ago

    …could I use some of those nose hairs to make a snow globe?

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  5. Presidential seal
    m_ortal  about 16 years ago

    There’s plenty of political targets remaining. Take my senator. Please.

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    Edcole1961  about 16 years ago

    Well, that’s about four out of the woodwork. By the way, someguy53, a far better website is:

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  7. Botero high society
    teaguemj  about 16 years ago

    Seems most of our right brain dominant folks are liberal democrats. How about a sketch of Nancy Pelosi with horns and cloven feet?

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  8. Botero high society
    teaguemj  about 16 years ago

    Hey edcole 1961 -if Jesus doesn’t exist for YOU, then when God asks on Judgement Day, who comes for this soul? Maybe Santa will give you a hand…

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    Mickeysnotadog  about 16 years ago

    I’ve heard some great jokes about the transition of power in the White House. They just don’t make it to the comics until he too shows America how lame his ideas are. Wait a month or two.

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    dhleaky  about 16 years ago

    Edcole1961, excellent! ’ I am sure you too have noticed that when “believers” are confronted by a “non believer” they actually think that waving the “horrible hereafter” flag is going to frighten a “NON believer” into “believing”, as if that is a fear for a “NON believer”? What part of NON is so difficult to understand?

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    davidlee  about 16 years ago


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