Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for March 01, 2021

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 4 years ago

    She’s not kidding. ✨

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  2. Nextdoor avatar 05
    JD'Huntsville'AL  about 4 years ago

    Hmmm. She’s young, he’s young. What do you think? A budding romance?

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  3. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 4 years ago

    What happened to Manager Friendly at Grocery Heaven, didn’t he promise to help the blind lady, rather than leaving her stuck in the floor wax aisle, too petrified to move?

    I think that kindly demeanor is cover up a lot of just plain mean….

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  4. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 4 years ago

    Clovia says “new and modern” for thee, but falls back on “old and familiar” for she… 51 years ago today in the Alley:

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  5. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Wait for it…….

    “Hey, these aren’t MY glasses!”"

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  6. Sunset
    daddo52  about 4 years ago

    Thank God for good Samaritans

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  7. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 4 years ago

    Not whitewash, not water… Daphne Dimples is an especially mean, mean girl – and now Brenda and Hank need that guy who figured out how to get the Gorilla Glue out of that woman’s hair a couple weeks ago!

    I’d go back and ask the Rayo brothers, but there’s no scalps to swap in here.

    (Also, I’m beginning to get the feeling that Muggs Walters has lost control of his newsroom.)

    BSR: January 21, 1945 –

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  8. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 4 years ago

    On one end of the Time Tunnel: In the bucolic West, Marshal Rick and Horse’s Neck ride out onto the prairie looking for a fishing hole. On the other end: At the height of the H-bomb race, the Army launches a test missile.

    What could these events possibly have in common?

    ROS: July 20-24, 1960 –

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  9. Capture14
    MT Wallet   about 4 years ago

    Things have really changed in my newspaper comic section. Just on weekdays I’ve lost Hagar, Blondie, For Better or for Worse, Dog Eat Doug, WuMo, Frazz, Judge Parker, Rex Morgan, JumpStart, F Minus, Rhymes with Orange, B.C., Mother Goose, Dennis the Menace, Beetle Bailey, Ziggy, Lio and The Lockhorns. I keep Family Circus, Argyle Sweater, Garfield, Dilbert, Baby Blues, Pickles, Zits, Pearls Before Swine and Peanuts. Close to Home and Wizard of Id were added back. Rubes, Wallace the Brave, Diamond Lil, Bizarro and Flying McCoys were added, and Tundra is now daily after being Sunday only. My paper’s comics section used to be very good but I’m expecting lots of yelling.

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