Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 24, 2021

  1. Mrbeast
    MrBeast  almost 4 years ago

    You know, I hope they don’t shut down this comment section completely. That’s very possible in the future or even now.

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  2. Kent
    The Comment Section Journalist  almost 4 years ago

    Poll, who is your favorite Big Nate character?

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  3. Ezgif 4 aa8349d81fc1
    Towmato  almost 4 years ago

    Welp tonight (and saturday) is the last night that I can stay on here and comment early, have a good day guys!

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    Pilly the Almighty Teddy Bear  almost 4 years ago

    Nate had it coming

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  5. Fly angry.gif
    N҉a҉t҉e҉ ҉W҉r҉i҉g҉h҉t҉.  almost 4 years ago

    This is why i hate gina

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  6. Screenshot 2021 04 14 11.16.38 am
    NateEatingCheezDoodles [Member Of A.S.A]  almost 4 years ago


    The mystery figure struck again. It have killed Mr. Rosa, a random student, and Principal Nicholas. The mystery figure finally showed himself who he is.


    The mystery figure is… is… Nolan.

    If you don’t know Nolan, he appeared in Big Nate Blasts Off he lose to Nate at the 38th Mud Bowl.

    Nolan: I came here ‘cause you beat me in the mud bowl pinhead!

    Nate: Why is the mud bowl important?

    Nolan: We were so close to the 38th streak!

    Nate: So?

    Nolan: OH SHUT UP! I’m just gonna kill you guys. Look! The other ones are gone!

    Nate looked. Every classmate was gone but just Francis, Teddy, and him.

    Nate shoots his gun and so does his friends. Nolan used a knife to dodge it. And then they were stuck to gocomics. They were stuck at…

    Teddy: Among us? What is among us?

    Nolan: If you’re the crewmate, you need to figure out who the imposter win and vote the imposter out, if your the imposter you need to kill everyone before the crewmates find out. Also you can play multiplayer.

    Nate: Uh… okay!

    Francis: So who are the crewmates? Just plain annoying bots?


    Players: For all of those. (Or some of them, who answered when I put my story)

    MiaCortezEstrada Mr. Prank Day Recviper Big Neat Me The Polish Teen Says No To Debs Myystic


    Nolan: Yes. And there is one killer among us…

    If you want to answer again you can just answer who it is!

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  7. Screenshot 2020 10 13 at 10.58.40 pm
    M4kh41  almost 4 years ago

    Now the War Begins. Anti Spammers are what I call the “AS” and the Spammers are known as the “SS.” What side are you on?

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  8. Download
    MASTERMAN   almost 4 years ago

    Hello everyone, lol this is so annoying for nate. anyway have a good day. (wow that was a short comment)

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  9. Clarencecnpic1
    Clarence  almost 4 years ago

    When will Mrs. Godfrey and Gina stop this conversation

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  10. Llll
    Snickers guy  almost 4 years ago

    no cap I would actually move schools if this happened

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  11. Nicefacing pp
    NiceFacing  almost 4 years ago

    This happened many times Gina.

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  12. Big nateh
    Spring Fever Nate  almost 4 years ago

    what is your favorite song? mines “my name is”.

    7/10 strip

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  13. Kent
    The Comment Section Journalist  almost 4 years ago

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Mrs. Godfrey should have been fired a long time ago.

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  14. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    On the bright side, at least Gina distracted her from BN

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  15. Missing large
    villanoville  almost 4 years ago

    well this week’s arc really took a turn. it started out as another idea that has been used before and turned into something more interesting, albeit with an unsatisfying conclusion. not bad even though I feel frustrated. wonder if Peirce will continue this arc

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  16. Simple dr manhattan face
    TheBetterYouTuberNamedLogan  almost 4 years ago

    Gina: i wEnT aLoNg wITh iT oN pURpOsE

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  17. Annotation 2020 07 20 230830
    Wҽιɾԃ Exρɾҽʂʂισɳ Mαɳ  almost 4 years ago

    What about the time Mrs. Godfrey asked Nate to stop breathing? And how Nate’s suggestion got a “pffft” and Gina’s same suggestion got a “that would be lovely”?

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  18. Boss
    Vivi <333  almost 4 years ago

    Of course Gina!

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    ND Cool Z  almost 4 years ago

    The tables have turned.. (after the niceness bet from 2 years ago)

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  20. A60d9b88 42df 4176 9e19 58ff3adf5129
    Cpeckbourlioux  almost 4 years ago

    They asked a woman if there was any insanity in her family. “Yes, my husband sometimes thinks he’s right.”

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  21. B7ba201f 35bb 4c4d aaac a4df818dd400
    Johnny Appleseed   almost 4 years ago

    Omg she lied

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  22. B7ba201f 35bb 4c4d aaac a4df818dd400
    Johnny Appleseed   almost 4 years ago

    Wow she’s biased, Gina lied. Teachers shouldn’t say that one kid is right and one is wrong

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  23. Dr cesspool
    byamrcn  almost 4 years ago

    I like this strip so much I’d probably paint Mr. Peirce’s house if he asked me to…but I have to take issue with how this arc ended. Godfrey treated the two of them completely differently when they came to her with the same idea. It proved his point and he’s smart enough to know that. He should feel victorious right now, not ticked off.

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  24. Guy
    Guybrush Threepwood  almost 4 years ago

    Among all the strips I read on GoComics (and they are many), she’s the most disgusting character. A bit of retribution, Peirce?

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  25. Picture
    TSRaman  almost 4 years ago

    It’s a Hate Triangle.

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    ItzBigNATELover_2021  almost 4 years ago

    How did “Debs” get 1500 replies yesterday…

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  27. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Nate just got the ’ol One-Two………..

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  28. Missing large
    elbow macaroni  almost 4 years ago

    So much hate.

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  29. 810eifgnxel. ac sx430  1
    PinkYoshiFan  almost 4 years ago

    Except Ms. Godfrey obectively plays favorites. There is no reason whatsoever for this entire arc…

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  30. 39e67913 68c4 4375 97da 7067feacf72d
    ComicFan4Life  almost 4 years ago

    I don’t know what to say about that…

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    why can't i change my profile pic?  almost 4 years ago

    what else is new?

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  32. 3329921e 2fd1 4ff2 b5b8 199553649e68
    Catsrawsm12  almost 4 years ago

    StarWars and big Nate part 2


    Part 2

    As from last time big Nate is in a cage choking.

    Darth Vader:hahahahahahaha

    Nate: i-ii-c-can-hh-elp-p y-you-u

    Nate drops to the floor,twitching

    Darth Vader:ok

    Darth Vader lifts up the cage

    All of a sudden Nate jumps up and punches him in the face

    Darth vader: OWWWW

    Random stormtroopers:STOP VILLAN

    Part 3 tomorrow

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  33. Aea5b18a bd74 480a 9f9f c9d82ee86986
    Piper the dog  almost 4 years ago

    I mean we probably should have seen this coming

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  34. Screenshot 2021 04 22 3.42.45 pm
    Alfyn Greengrass  almost 4 years ago

    “As usual”? Sounds like favoritism to me

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  35. Aoh14ghhk0sbys xb2ix0j3w4gtezletbdm2u6swz4fo=s96 c
    SamuelZhao  almost 4 years ago

    Damned, they’re both damned. As in going to hell, not the swear

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  36. Na
    (A.R.T.S.C.A.M.)Comicfan10(Real)  almost 4 years ago

    ARMYWAYS PART 6 (WARNING: VIOLENCE AND THE WORDS CRUD AND TURD ARE USED): “I have a reason!” Ruby said. “What is it?” I asked. “I’m… uh… moving to… gulp… Kansas.” My mouth almost hit the ground. “You- but- sputter- WHAT?” I said. “You’re moving to that cruddy place?” “Yeah, I know. It might not be so cruddy, though,” Ruby said. I sat back down. Later, we finally landed. I felt like turd as I walked to my house. “Nate!” Dee dee called. I didn’t stop or slow down. Ruby wasn’t the only one moving. Teddy and Chad are, too. Dee dee finally caught up to me. “Hey! Why the long face?” “I don’t wanna talk about the crud fest.” I said. “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad!” “It’s like eating turd.” I sighed. I finally got to my house. Francis was already there. “Nate,” he said, “it isn’t the end of the world.” “Yeah, keep telling yourself that!” I snapped. I stormed into the house. I tossed down my bag. The phone rang. “Yo,” I said. “It’s me,” Dad said. “I’-” there was static. “DAD!” I yelled. PART 7 TOMORROW

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  37. B88394c6 6816 4f9b 802c b8f0a7ff3397
    Lord Fluffernutter, Czar of the Universe   almost 4 years ago

    But she liked the idea, which proves she’s biased!

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  38. Picture
    bignatefantic21  almost 4 years ago

    When you’re 11 years old nate, hate means love

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  39. Screen shot 2021 05 13 at 2.08.50 pm
    ɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ (ᴅɪsᴛᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ)  almost 4 years ago

    My notifs dropped from 203 to 179! What happened?

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  40. Screen shot 2021 05 13 at 2.08.50 pm
  41. 2020 06 25 invisible 14678512
    A random Pearls Before Swine & Big Nate commenter  almost 4 years ago

    Finally, I can agree with Nate!

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  42. Bell
    #1 Big Nate fan  almost 4 years ago

    anyone who is a fan of marvel would get this saying. “Longing, rusted, seventeen, daybreak, furnace, nine, benign, homecoming, one, freight car,” in russian.

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  43. 16288002436837146820806222929386
    SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club)  almost 4 years ago

    Poll: What are your top 5 favorite Spongebob episodes? Mine are 5. Krusty Koncessaries 4. Dream Hoppers 3. Spongebob’s Last Stand 2. Alantis Squarepantis 1. Mimic Madness .

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  44. 6703ebb0 dfa4 47b3 b052 11ef39bebbef
    ThataCrabRave  almost 4 years ago

    Day 4: 10 notifications.

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  45. 20240412 191406
    VMB!  almost 4 years ago


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  46. Cool gif loops by galimateque
    Vibes  almost 4 years ago

    How the do I get notifications quickly? I need to know how. Is it spamming, being popular, or making a stupid comment that would make me get a lot of replies? I need to know.

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  47. F144c4ca 948f 46bf b2ba 608b5f1a1c02
    ♞нυитєявσу_z♘  almost 4 years ago

    Everyone, I want to say something real quick:

    Due to all the commotion that has recently been going around here, I will be taking a temporary break from this comment section. I will still be reading comics during this time and maybe be commenting on different strips even.

    But for now, I won’t be commenting on here until further notice. I do not want to take any part in all this craziness.

    I hope you all understand. I’ll come back when most (of not all) of this clears up.

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  48. Screen shot 2021 05 13 at 2.08.50 pm
    ɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ (ᴅɪsᴛᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ)  almost 4 years ago

    Saving Up Notifications Day 9:

    Notification Count: 179 (how did it drop I managed to have 203 yesterday)

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  49. Beach background
    Cincoflex  almost 4 years ago

    Ask for a transfer to another class, Nate. You deserve it.

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  50. 58a1dd09e33a543010fac277
    a nerdy trans girl  almost 4 years ago

    poor nate.

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    raybarb44  almost 4 years ago

    Rightfully so…..

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  52. 8a89348a b5f4 40f6 b303 a9950eeab8ab
    Minecraft Pro (simp detective.  almost 4 years ago

    squid. You are easily an idiot for wanting to ban Quincy as president. Besides, president gets nothing but to president in there name

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  53. Missing large
    victoria2  almost 4 years ago

    Nate has his problems but that teacher is horrible.

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  54. Thunderbolt 1
    Thunderbolt Boss  almost 4 years ago

    Poll: Now there are 2 amazing Disney+ Marvel shows that have ended. If you have watched these shows, what do you like better? WandaVision or the Falcon and the Winter soldier?

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  55. Rdb891a8a345d3ffa76cd0883bfcd271e
    Sonic Vortex  almost 4 years ago


    The laughter continued, and Nate could nothing but get up and face his humiliation. “Hey dorkus, better watch where you step!” a voice cried out. Nate recognized that voice. It belonged to Randy, the 6th grade bully. He had a thing about targeting Nate for his most diabolical ploys. As Nate began to pick himself off the floor, he thought to himself, “Leave it to Randy to mess something up.” Thanks to Randy, Nate blew his first opportunity to win the bet.

    Meanwhile, Randy’s goons were laughing their heads off while their leader just smirked. “So,” Randy began, “why were you heading towards the drama club table?” “That is none of your business.” Nate retorted. He turned around and looked at the table in question, where Dee Dee was looking right at him with a look of concern on her face. “Oh man. What am I going to do now?” Nate began to panic. " I can’t ask her right now. Randy is watching and I can’t stand that kind of embarrassment."

    Nate turned around and began walking back to his seat, a look of embarrassment on his face. “I can’t believe I just got humiliated by Randy.” “Yo, dingus!” Randy called out. “If I were you, I wouldn’t want to hang around a bunch of non-talented people either!” “EXCUSE ME!?!?” Nate froze and turned around. Dee Dee had gotten up and was busy marching toward Randy’s table. And boy, was she MAD. “The only people with no talent I see around here are you and your idiot friends!” She was at the table, and she grabbed Randy by his collar and shoved her face close to his.

    “This, by the way, is NOT AN ACT.” Randy gulped, fear clearly visible not just in his eyes, but his whole body. “Now apologize to Nate right now!” Dee Dee growled. Randy swallowed, turned his head toward Nate and said, “I’m sorry, Nate.” Nate could hardly believe what had just happened. Dee Dee just scared the living ghost out of Randy! Dee Dee let go of Randy’s collar, and walked over to Nate. (Continued in replies)

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  56. Nate10
    BiggerNate91  almost 4 years ago

    I can’t deal. This arc isn’t enjoyable. This is just another “Ha ha, Nate suffers because he’s an idiot” story again.

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  57. Obi killed anaiken
    Obi Wan Kenobi  almost 4 years ago

    poll: who do you hate more gina or ms. godfrey

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  58. Obi killed anaiken
    Obi Wan Kenobi  almost 4 years ago

    man comments are slow today

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  59. 290px wow signal
    ImDaRealAni  almost 4 years ago

    What a weasel.

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  60. 9ef0c590 fc9c 42d5 bb82 83f5509a76ee
    P-oh-Tate-oh  almost 4 years ago

    Not sure if that’s actually what Gina thought or if she just thought of an excuse super quickly

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  61. Screen shot 2021 05 13 at 2.08.50 pm
    ɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ (ᴅɪsᴛᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ)  almost 4 years ago

    First one to reply to me gets to change my username for the rest of today

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  62. Cool gif loops by galimateque
    Vibes  almost 4 years ago

    Day 4 of trying to beat the record of notifications: 10 today

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  63. A1109596 1432 4a21 87a0 b41cac01bc34
    Jairo Sagrero   almost 4 years ago


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  64. Win 20201216 08 21 06 pro removebg preview
    EOS WEBCAM UTILITY  almost 4 years ago

    we can all agree that the big nate comment section is falling down

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  65. Large unnamed  3
    Ⓒ ⓡ ⓞ ⓞ ⓚ ⓔ ⓓ   almost 4 years ago


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  66. Large sailboat in sun spot
    tinstar  almost 4 years ago

    Looks like “losers” has a new definition.

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  67. Large unnamed
    Fuw.  almost 4 years ago

    Okay, tell me every thing that happened today first what’s this spam war?

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  68. Screenshot  8
    Slayer_Ninja  almost 4 years ago

    Is anyone else thinking Nate is being a huge carhorn I mean just cause Godfrey did not agree, That does not mean she was being a extremely big carhorn I mean jesus Nate, stop being a carhorn

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  69. 574561c0 1344 4c89 9b27 ad64214f0ae4
    Coolnate23  almost 4 years ago

    Well, Mrs. Godzilla is SO WRONG!!!! Nate has the right to hate them both. First of all, Nate knows that she plays favorites. He’s not imagining it. And Gina is so wrong! I just hate those stupid smiles because their opinion is so wrong. His “accusation” is right, Gina Dumbo!

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  70. 574561c0 1344 4c89 9b27 ad64214f0ae4
    Coolnate23  almost 4 years ago

    Day 3 of Notification Count: 44

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  71. Missing large
    dhvdtvghbg  almost 4 years ago

    She is lying

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  72. Screen shot 2021 05 13 at 2.08.50 pm
    ɴᴀᴛᴇ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ (ᴅɪsᴛᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴇᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴ)  almost 4 years ago

    Should I change my pfp and name?

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  73. Big nateh
    Spring Fever Nate  almost 4 years ago

    people actually came to the josh fight!

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  74. Photo
    rey mondia  almost 4 years ago

    Imagine if it got warped.

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  75. A25e4ee7b22347222b3764ecbe2f2bd3
    ᗩᒪGᑌIEᑎ ᑎOᗰᗷᖇᗩᗪO ᗪEᔕᑕOᑎOᑕIᗪO Eᔕ ᑕᖇIᑎGE.  almost 4 years ago

    Embarrass? YOU? Your trying to embarrass NATE.

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  76. Photo
    Pets of the comics  almost 4 years ago

    I Would love to send this comic straight to the principal. She’d get fired in a heartbeat

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  77. 990c7d42 98fc 4b62 99bf d2e0314192ea
    SlothieBoi  almost 4 years ago


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  78. Thunderbolt 1
    Thunderbolt Boss  almost 4 years ago

    After 2 years, I am finally agreeing with Nate about his situation with Godfrey.

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  79. Img 0490
    Magl  almost 4 years ago

    Remember the good old days when you had Gina annoying nate Gina bragging about her papers and a 10 strip story line

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    joeynails01  over 3 years ago

    You got to admit, Gina did have to think on the fly for that excuse.

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  81. Pop
    Nyan the Cat:)   over 3 years ago


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  82. Large parker kingston td vs ksu 1200x794
    JaxReaper  almost 3 years ago

    Seriously, Gina? You already got your way and now you’re lying about Nate’s “warped imagination”? This is low, even for a pointy nosed jerk like you.

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  83. Eae285d0 db91 4fa7 9d5c c77d05968c2e
    nintendopoptarts64  almost 2 years ago

    F*ck you, mrs Godfrey and Gina

     •  Reply
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