And once again, FoXo creates great humour with great artwork with his great wit great talents!
But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.
Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many more!
And yes of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master cartoonist FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer BOZO!
danketaz Premium Member about 2 years ago
1 Bozo’s no dummy, he knows where to stash for safekeeping.
2 Bozo finds a lucky horseshoe and immediately gets hit on by a pretty girl.
3 If she’s going to show up like a maid, Bozo’s going to show up like a butler.
jr1234 about 2 years ago
3. Borrowing a cup of sugar
Gent about 2 years ago
1. He sure made em all feel like a dummy.
2. Unlucky horseshoe.
3. At your service, ma’am.
And once again, FoXo creates great humour with great artwork with his great wit great talents!
But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.
Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to many more!
And yes of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master cartoonist FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever enjoyable ever excellent evergreen entertainer BOZO!
Just-me about 2 years ago
1. Mannequin
2. Rundown
3. Sweetening
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 2 years ago
1) WHO IS THE DUMMY?: a line to use the telephone booth. They find out it is a half mannikin that Bozo had forgotten!
2) UNLUCKY HORSESHOE: Bozo sees a horseshoe in the street and bends down to get it where he is rearended. OUCH!
3) CUP OF SUGAR: A comely neighbor comes to borrow a cup of sugar. Bozo generously over fills it. She isn’t happy!