Supposed story from when Robert Mitchum was working with Loretta Young, notorious prig & hypocrite: Young had a swear jar on all her sets & when anyone swore they were to put a quarter into it. Mitchum reportedly said “Here’s 20 bucks Loretta, no eff off!”
I prefer cash on the barrelhead (or a check in the mail) myself. I don’t trust PayPal, Venmo or other online payment services for anything. Some of us old folks still prefer to do things the old-fashioned way.
Arturo Toscanini was known for saying “very offensive things”, too. When he took over conducting duties at the Metropolitan Opera, it didn’t take long before the orchestra sent a delegation to complain to the head of the company, claiming “Never have we been called such dreadful names!”
CrgBeauregard almost 4 years ago
Only one way to curb the abuse of officials by players – Name their grandmothers to the officiating crews.
strictures almost 4 years ago
Supposed story from when Robert Mitchum was working with Loretta Young, notorious prig & hypocrite: Young had a swear jar on all her sets & when anyone swore they were to put a quarter into it. Mitchum reportedly said “Here’s 20 bucks Loretta, no eff off!”
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
In owners eyes, players are all too expendable. Just ask Jamario Moon.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
You just get a credit card reader for your phone instead.
docforbin almost 4 years ago
I prefer cash on the barrelhead (or a check in the mail) myself. I don’t trust PayPal, Venmo or other online payment services for anything. Some of us old folks still prefer to do things the old-fashioned way.
phoenixnyc almost 4 years ago
Arturo Toscanini was known for saying “very offensive things”, too. When he took over conducting duties at the Metropolitan Opera, it didn’t take long before the orchestra sent a delegation to complain to the head of the company, claiming “Never have we been called such dreadful names!”
The response? “You should hear what he calls me.”
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s a good point about them not carrying cash. Just have them drop a link from one of their gold chains into the jar.