Whenever someone asks me, “How are you,” my standard answer is, “How much time do you have left in your busy day??” Remember that old saying – “If you can’t dazzle them with your brains, baffle them with your ……..!!”
Don’t ask. Say ‘Gram, hope you feel better than you look’. Then quickly run for the door before she has a chance to pick up the nearest thing to throw at you. After a bit of thought, Gram will think how sweet you are for caring how she is feeling, but you don’t get stuck into a long conversation with TMI details.
Hah! My mom was Grammie to our kids and we all got her complete medical update. According to Mom she couldn’t get any sleep for the last 50 of her 93 years.
Made that mistake about 25 years ago with a co-worker. Asked her how she was doing. After a 20 minute recitation of everything from bad back, hernia and inter_uterine cysts, I was able to extricate myself from the conversation. Lesson learned.
This reminds me of a Lockhorns strip from years ago. Leroy and Loretta come across this couple they know on the street. Loretta just happened to have some X-Rays with her and she and the other woman are discussing them off to the side. Meanwhile, Leroy says to the other man, “Loretta has never understood that ‘How are you?’ is just a form of greeting.”
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Quickly interrupt and hand the phone to dad…..
Ahuehuete almost 4 years ago
Asking someone how they are as a casual greeting is very American. Europeans find it to be rather odd.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
As she starts her comments…..hand the phone to dad.
LookingGlass Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Whenever someone asks me, “How are you,” my standard answer is, “How much time do you have left in your busy day??” Remember that old saying – “If you can’t dazzle them with your brains, baffle them with your ……..!!”
wjones almost 4 years ago
I answer great even if I don’t. Then I say Can’t talk now, someone’s at the door.
Wilde Bill almost 4 years ago
Yeah, but what else would I talk about?
Milady Meg almost 4 years ago
W: “I never see grandpa Gargle. Is he dead?”
B: “You’ve met grandma. He’s not dead. He’s hiding .”
Chris almost 4 years ago
I can give her some of my imaginative problems for some entertainment. :D
zzeek almost 4 years ago
Don’t ask. Say ‘Gram, hope you feel better than you look’. Then quickly run for the door before she has a chance to pick up the nearest thing to throw at you. After a bit of thought, Gram will think how sweet you are for caring how she is feeling, but you don’t get stuck into a long conversation with TMI details.
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
Give ’em an inch …
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
In the case of the Born Loser it is sound advice.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Hah! My mom was Grammie to our kids and we all got her complete medical update. According to Mom she couldn’t get any sleep for the last 50 of her 93 years.
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
Ah, the proverbial duel of the diseases and injuries, especially with senior citizens. “En garde”…..
ChessPirate almost 4 years ago
This reminds me of what I think is one of the funniest bits Jerry Lewis ever did, walking Mrs. Fuzzybee:
Buckeye67 almost 4 years ago
In general, the less said to Mother Gargle the better off you are.
Walter Parmantie Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Jeff0811 almost 4 years ago
Louis Armstrong got it right:
I see friends shakin’ hands, saying ‘How do you do?’
They’re really sayin, ‘I love you’
What a wonderful world.
vacman almost 4 years ago
Once had an (unnamed) relative, that every time I called it was like going to an organ recital. This organ hurts, that organ hurts…
Chris Sherlock almost 4 years ago
This reminds me of a Lockhorns strip from years ago. Leroy and Loretta come across this couple they know on the street. Loretta just happened to have some X-Rays with her and she and the other woman are discussing them off to the side. Meanwhile, Leroy says to the other man, “Loretta has never understood that ‘How are you?’ is just a form of greeting.”