Movies, the 1.5 to 2.5 hour types, are lately seriously deficient or are usually not capable of presenting anything but the most simple plot/story-line to a satisfying successful conclusion. Very few are very highly rated. I’ve come to appreciate more and more the limited series format. Those that can completely spin a tale with a satisfying conclusion within an 8, 10, 12, 16 etc hour format. These are like video novels (like actual print novels) that can be enjoyed completely by themselves without having to rely on teasers and cliff-hangers to bait the viewer into waiting for the continuations months or years the future. In print, give me a good read is all I ask. In video, movies or series, give me a good watch, and in all of them, give me the full package. Complete the story! I do surely often want more, then let the continuation be a sequel, and let that sequel also be a fully developed story with a satisfying conclusion. Repeat and continue for as long as there are good stories to be told. Please.
Interesting, commenters writing critiques about critics in which they criticize their criticizing. “Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.”
My favorite in Star Wars was the use of a Hills-McCanna pvc double union ball valve (which I ordered by the box at that time) in the refueling scene for X fighters. Talk about breaking the mood….
Honestly, the only movie critic I respected was Roger Ebert. I didn’t always agree with his opinions but I respected them because he would at least explain why he hated or liked an movie
Sanspareil almost 4 years ago
You can if you’re an arrogant prig like most film critics.
In this case the word “critic” refers to desperate wannabees who couldn’t direct, produce or write screenplays if their lives depended on it!!
Qiset almost 4 years ago
After “Snatch”, “Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels” was a big disappointment.
dwane.scoty1 almost 4 years ago
Movie Critics, for the most part, are like those in pretentious occupations. Their work is mainly to impress their Peers!
iggyman almost 4 years ago
And then you have the Oscars…!
starfighter441 almost 4 years ago
I quite liked Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, especially the Brengun scene.
MS72 almost 4 years ago
Millennium Falcon looks like it came from a junkyard.
Znox11 almost 4 years ago
I read a commentary on the social meaning behind Godzilla vs Kong…really? Just buy some popcorn and enjoy the freaking movie!
ollou90 almost 4 years ago
Movies, the 1.5 to 2.5 hour types, are lately seriously deficient or are usually not capable of presenting anything but the most simple plot/story-line to a satisfying successful conclusion. Very few are very highly rated. I’ve come to appreciate more and more the limited series format. Those that can completely spin a tale with a satisfying conclusion within an 8, 10, 12, 16 etc hour format. These are like video novels (like actual print novels) that can be enjoyed completely by themselves without having to rely on teasers and cliff-hangers to bait the viewer into waiting for the continuations months or years the future. In print, give me a good read is all I ask. In video, movies or series, give me a good watch, and in all of them, give me the full package. Complete the story! I do surely often want more, then let the continuation be a sequel, and let that sequel also be a fully developed story with a satisfying conclusion. Repeat and continue for as long as there are good stories to be told. Please.
Ichabod Ferguson almost 4 years ago
Interesting, commenters writing critiques about critics in which they criticize their criticizing. “Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.”
Pete.Keillor almost 4 years ago
My favorite in Star Wars was the use of a Hills-McCanna pvc double union ball valve (which I ordered by the box at that time) in the refueling scene for X fighters. Talk about breaking the mood….
ars731 almost 4 years ago
Honestly, the only movie critic I respected was Roger Ebert. I didn’t always agree with his opinions but I respected them because he would at least explain why he hated or liked an movie
BlitzMcD almost 4 years ago
Bucky’s review is the most on target of all of them.
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
If I read the reviews of movies before I go, I usually don’t go. If I read them afterwards, I must be really, really bored.
djtenltd almost 4 years ago
WilliamDoerfler almost 4 years ago
Some do, most criticize.
mfrasca almost 4 years ago
You can if you are Ignatius J. Reilly.