I’ve never listened to a podcast. I figure if someone can’t type it up, it ain’t important. I also read much faster than people talk.
NEWS FLASH… Pierpoint has parents and a sister…!
Next time: Pierpoint’s parents drop out, since they listened to the first podcast to be “supportive” of the Little Guy….
March 02, 2018
July 22, 2017
July 27, 2017
david_42 almost 4 years ago
I’ve never listened to a podcast. I figure if someone can’t type it up, it ain’t important. I also read much faster than people talk.
InTraining Premium Member almost 4 years ago
NEWS FLASH… Pierpoint has parents and a sister…!
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Next time: Pierpoint’s parents drop out, since they listened to the first podcast to be “supportive” of the Little Guy….