National Gardening Day. Well, I did my gardening a day early. I planted marigold seeds yesterday (starting indoors under grow lights for now). I have a nice bunch of impatiens flowers and tomato plants already growing under plant lights. I bought some seed potatoes yesterday, but won’t be planting them for another 3 weeks or so. I won’t be planting my main garden until late May after danger of frost is past.
National Ex-Spouse Day. I never had a spouse or an ex-spouse, but I doubt many people want to celebrate their exes.
National Reach As High As You Can Day
National Pan American Day
Look Up At The Sky Day. According to our weather forecast, thee won’t be much reason to look up. The forecast calls for clouds and rain and possibly a little snow mixed in. No snow accumulation expected.
I actually did everything on my “do list” on my day off yesterday. Not with complete success, though. I’m planning on having a yard sale next month to get rid of some stuff I don’t need (and hopefully to make a few dollars too). And somewhere in this house, I have a cash box which I have used for past yard sales. It’s been several years since since I’ve done a yard sale and I can’t remember where I put that cash box. I remember that I put it in that place we know as “someplace where I’ll find it when I need it”. I thought it was in a closet, so yesterday, I made a very exhaustive search of that closet and there is no cash box in there. I did find a lot of other stuff that I forgot I had. Some of those things will go in my yard sale. I sure wish I could find that cash box, though.
My cousin, Becky Perry, can use your prayers. Yesterday, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s the same age as me (born the same day – just a few hours before I was). It was caught early, but she is facing some bad stuff. Cancer sucks!
Actually, I’d call that a very necessary step. After all, Annie can’t work if she’s constantly being hassled by Chesney, can she? On another note, saw a robin, a butterfly, and a rabbit while out walking today.
More_Cats_Than_Sense almost 4 years ago
Wednesday Felines!
WFV!#1 – Sound
WFV!#5 – Sound
Bonus Wednesday Bunnies!!
LastRoseofSummer Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Ah..home sweet home..again. you would think they would not be surprised to find themselves out there.
DennisinSeattle almost 4 years ago
No work can be done unless these two are on the loading dock.
laughingkitty almost 4 years ago
Polishing a bench while making a sandwich wouldn’t be a good idea unless they want a tuna fish and furniture polish sandwich.
laughingkitty almost 4 years ago
Today is:
National Gardening Day. Well, I did my gardening a day early. I planted marigold seeds yesterday (starting indoors under grow lights for now). I have a nice bunch of impatiens flowers and tomato plants already growing under plant lights. I bought some seed potatoes yesterday, but won’t be planting them for another 3 weeks or so. I won’t be planting my main garden until late May after danger of frost is past.
National Ex-Spouse Day. I never had a spouse or an ex-spouse, but I doubt many people want to celebrate their exes.
National Reach As High As You Can Day
National Pan American Day
Look Up At The Sky Day. According to our weather forecast, thee won’t be much reason to look up. The forecast calls for clouds and rain and possibly a little snow mixed in. No snow accumulation expected.
National Pecan Day
laughingkitty almost 4 years ago
I actually did everything on my “do list” on my day off yesterday. Not with complete success, though. I’m planning on having a yard sale next month to get rid of some stuff I don’t need (and hopefully to make a few dollars too). And somewhere in this house, I have a cash box which I have used for past yard sales. It’s been several years since since I’ve done a yard sale and I can’t remember where I put that cash box. I remember that I put it in that place we know as “someplace where I’ll find it when I need it”. I thought it was in a closet, so yesterday, I made a very exhaustive search of that closet and there is no cash box in there. I did find a lot of other stuff that I forgot I had. Some of those things will go in my yard sale. I sure wish I could find that cash box, though.
laughingkitty almost 4 years ago
My cousin, Becky Perry, can use your prayers. Yesterday, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s the same age as me (born the same day – just a few hours before I was). It was caught early, but she is facing some bad stuff. Cancer sucks!
markwillman4 almost 4 years ago
Was it the unsightly hair remark that did it? Lol….
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat almost 4 years ago
What do the other 8 cats concur about?
tad1 almost 4 years ago
Great pictures today. :)
tad1 almost 4 years ago
Actually, I’d call that a very necessary step. After all, Annie can’t work if she’s constantly being hassled by Chesney, can she? On another note, saw a robin, a butterfly, and a rabbit while out walking today.