Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for May 07, 2021

  1. Missing large
    rekam  almost 4 years ago

    You’d think the head would be needed in order to know what to type. But then again, this is Adam, so anything can happen.

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  2. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  almost 4 years ago

    Have another cup of DTWFNC, Adam. Maybe that will reanimate you.

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  3. Rick o shay
    wiatr  almost 4 years ago

    I swear he lives in the same neighbourhood as the Addams Family.

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  4. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  almost 4 years ago

    Sounds like a dream. Adam fall asleep at the keyboard again?

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  5. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  almost 4 years ago

    I think you should quit while you’re a head Adam!

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  6. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  almost 4 years ago

    There is a different super power in every batch of my Nuclear Coffee

    This is a new one, even for me

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    ComicLover500  almost 4 years ago

    Adam finally found that ghost writer he’s been needing.

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    Chris  almost 4 years ago

    letting your mind wander while your body does work… Wait, have I done that before? just not to this extent of course… Or have I. :J

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  9. Giphy
    jango  almost 4 years ago

    Trying to come up with a tie-in to the headless horseman here, but MY coffee hasn’t yet kicked me into gear.[well at least it rhymes]

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  10. Profile msn
    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Soooo, Adam fell asleep while typing. I can relate. I finished a cobol assignment in college a little after 2 in the morning and I couldn’t remember doing it the next day. It ran though.

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  11. Iconanimestatic
    karmakat01  almost 4 years ago

    let’s hope there is no GUST OF WINDS. imagine the “wanted” paper.“if you found a mostly bald head with big nose floating head please bring back to…”

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  12. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 4 years ago

    I thought they stopped putting LSD in that coffee. :)

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  13. Nomagram
    COL Crash  almost 4 years ago

    Where can I get some of that stuff?

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    Mary Sullivan Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    A walk around the block would be scary for his neighbours.

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  15. Cat lying on back t2
    BJIllistrated Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I’d also worry about his walk around the neighborhood. The Rottweiler down the street thinks it a new toy….some kids find it and think it’s some new kind of talking ball and attach it to a tether pool for a game…the guy who practices archery thinks it’s a new type of target practice dummy….well you see where I’m going here.

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    LJZ Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy. All work and no play makes Adam a dull boy.

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  17. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 4 years ago

    Some people do space when under pressure.

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  18. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 4 years ago

    Hey that’d be a good name for a band, the Talking Heads.

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    AndromedaMike  almost 4 years ago

    Laura just goes with the flow.

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