Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for May 26, 2021

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 4 years ago
    ”Stone Cold Sober” be he. ✨
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  2. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    “Well, thar’s ya problem. Drink up!”

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  3. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    This serves as a reference post for people who choose to read about and discuss the history of Gasoline Alley. It will allow them to put their comments in replies. Those who don’t can bypass the discussion by leaving the replies closed. Fair for everyone, I think.

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  4. Dazy supersmall4web
    pony21 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Fans of the classic “Gasoline Alley” are invited to join us on Facebook. Search for “Alley Cats of Gasoline Alley” or copy/paste this link to find us:

    You will need to answer a simple screening question to be admitted, which is designed to keep out bots and trolls.

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  5. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 4 years ago


    Although not unexpected from uncouth, ungrateful Rufus…. I must say… I find his actions here rather unpleasant, unkind, and wholly unjustified. He is denigrating the wise, gentle sage… our hero, Joel.

    Rufus appears more and more a fellow who takes from but does not give to others. He is more than willing to take Joel’s advice (and mishandle it), he is more than willing to try to learn from the teachings of Joel (try, being the operative word, as he almost always fails). But, when Rufus is called upon to help his oldest friend…. he is a grouch, is dismissive, and downright accusatory.

    Sure, Joel will imbibe a bit from the jug, and will enjoy a modicum or two or three of tobacco in his pipe…. but Joel is not a man who lives in excess! He is moderate and even tempered in all of his actions, activities, and proclivities.

    Joel…. again, I urge you to leave and head back hope to Becky… without doofus Rufus. He will only cause you more grief and difficulty. Go back home, and do take a few nips from the jug to steady your nerves, and have a few pipes. The reality of the transmissions will become more apparent as time goes on.

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