Those people who were rude and ignorant before the pandemic are still rude and ignorant.
But conversely, most of the people who were kind and considerate before this world-shaking event, haven’t lost their optimism, faith in humanity, civility, or sense of humor.
wldhrsy2luv over 3 years ago
I’ll drink to that! over 3 years ago
This strip cries for politics!
How about BLM?
Climate justice?
Minimum wages?
Tax everyone to hir capabilities?
Sensible education?
Equal voting processes in all states for all citizens?
Zebrastripes over 3 years ago
There it is! People don’t change, even after life threatening circumstances and over a year of a deadly pandemic! Whatever!
Linguist over 3 years ago
Those people who were rude and ignorant before the pandemic are still rude and ignorant.
But conversely, most of the people who were kind and considerate before this world-shaking event, haven’t lost their optimism, faith in humanity, civility, or sense of humor.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Little short Hitlers will always attempt to control the population.