I use to play golf with two New Yorkers, Vinnie and Danny. Vinnie was on the T-box and says to Danny, “Danny, you know, I was thinkin….” Danny interrupts and says, “Vinnie don’t try to do what you are not equipped to do.”
The first time I played golf with them I came to a par 3 and chose the wrong club for the distance. I said,"I knew i should have used a 7 iron instead of an 8. Danny says, “What? You think I look like Jesus Christ so you have to confess your sins.”
Not a bad idea, except the three pundits would end up trying to outdo each other in inane, pompous oratory, thus sidelining the candidates. It would be, quite possibly, the most stultifying tv program in the history of the world. Except for a Former Guy campaign speech, of course.
Sorry, Scott, but you missed on this one. I mean, we just had a “President” whose closest thing to a qualification for the office was hosting a “reality” show; only 44 better ones……
My idea for having election results that will stop our backward slide: 1. Make election day a national holiday. No other voting days available.2. Have a NASCAR marathon: 24 hours of racing excitement. Show this on as many channels as possible, but there will still be those who will stay home to watch “Dr. Pimple Popper” and soap operas, so we should accommodate that demographic as well.
Pharmakeus Ubik over 3 years ago
Crass and exploitative is an understatement. This strip was prescient.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
MAD Magazine, circa 1968, parodied the election as a “beauty pageant”. How could they have known? :-0
ekw555 over 3 years ago
a few years ahead of its time.
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
American Idle!
Let’s make a Deal!
Treasure Hunt!
Dialing For Dollars!
Koch As Koch Can!
J Short over 3 years ago
I use to play golf with two New Yorkers, Vinnie and Danny. Vinnie was on the T-box and says to Danny, “Danny, you know, I was thinkin….” Danny interrupts and says, “Vinnie don’t try to do what you are not equipped to do.”
The first time I played golf with them I came to a par 3 and chose the wrong club for the distance. I said,"I knew i should have used a 7 iron instead of an 8. Danny says, “What? You think I look like Jesus Christ so you have to confess your sins.”
Thinkingblade over 3 years ago
Given the number of candidates we’ve had in the last couple of runs it looks more like Survivor …
Zev over 3 years ago
Not a bad idea, except the three pundits would end up trying to outdo each other in inane, pompous oratory, thus sidelining the candidates. It would be, quite possibly, the most stultifying tv program in the history of the world. Except for a Former Guy campaign speech, of course.
Cozmik Cowboy over 3 years ago
Sorry, Scott, but you missed on this one. I mean, we just had a “President” whose closest thing to a qualification for the office was hosting a “reality” show; only 44 better ones……
Daddyobie over 3 years ago
Too soon?
I Play One On TV over 3 years ago
My idea for having election results that will stop our backward slide: 1. Make election day a national holiday. No other voting days available.2. Have a NASCAR marathon: 24 hours of racing excitement. Show this on as many channels as possible, but there will still be those who will stay home to watch “Dr. Pimple Popper” and soap operas, so we should accommodate that demographic as well.
Whaddayathink, sirs?