Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 07, 2008
Honey: Driver? Driver: Miss? Honey: Nothing but the smoothest ride for Mr. Duke! Driver: You got it! Duke: You know, you really didn't have to come with me to the airport. Honey: Happy to do it, sir - for old times' sake! Duke: Speaking of old times, why are you still wearing a Mao suit? Isn't that 25 years ago? Honey: Yes, sir. But as you know, history has a pendulum... right now, my Mao suit is a curiosity from another era. But who knows? One day there could be another cultural revolution... then my old-school look might be a blessing. I'll have a credibility as the cadre who never lost faith! Duke: Got to hand it to you, Honey - you have a rare talent for survival. Honey: Yes, sir. But I do pay a price. Wearing a baggy, unisex uniform can limit one's romantic chances. Duke: Or double them. Honey: I'm sure it's exhausting for you to even undress me with your eyes!
Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago
Ah, the mystery of the baggy, unisex uniform. Almost as alluring as the burkha. What coul be inside, just waiting to be revealed? Duke knows what he’s talking about. If everything is on display there is no grand finale, waiting to be revealed. Honey is sexier in her Mao suit than Madonna ever could possibly be.
Sternvogel over 16 years ago
Or Duke could be implying that the suit is so baggy that you can’t tell if the wearer is a man or woman, thereby making Honey equally likely to be hit on by a person of any sex or orientation.