Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 23, 2008
Dan Quayle: Taste, one, two, three! Taste! Taste! Mark: Earphones fit okay? Quayle: Not really. I think I'll go au naturel. Mark: We're live with our old pal Dan Quayle, who reportedly advised Sarah Palin in the waning days of the campaign... Quayle: I can confirm that, Mark! Mark: What advice did you give her, Dan? Can you say? Quayle: I told her to be herself! Mark: How'd that work out? Quayle: Great! She doubled down on being herself! It was a real game-changer! Mark: But the press still dismissed her as a lightweight. Could you relate to that? Quayle: Absolutely! Back in the day, I had to deal with sexism, too! Mark: You did? Quayle: Are you kidding? Everyone said I was too pretty to be President! Some even suggested I looked like Robert Redford! Mark: Oh, right. Who were those people? Quayle: Who cares? Would they say that to a woman? I don't think so!
margueritem over 16 years ago
I can’t even remember what he looked like.
Alabama Al over 16 years ago
Just think of Deer in the Headlights. I’ll come back.
mfboyd over 16 years ago
It was more Pat Sejak without cue cards.
Dick-T over 16 years ago
When are you guys going to get past the election????
Priscilla Martin over 16 years ago
Apparently GT is taking a trip down memory lane this week…
I think people are past the elections, however, Doonesbury is all about the politics which has no “end” date.ozzimandius over 16 years ago
When there is something else in the cartoon to coment on?? Tjis stuff is great wether its about the election or not, sit back and enjoy
The Old Wolf over 16 years ago
Chuckle It’s been a while since we’ve seen the feather.  I confess to a huge curiosity about how McCain and Palin would have been portrayed, and how Trudeau is going to handle Obama and Biden. I suspect he’s waiting - like the rest of us - to see if the results match the promised.  Should be interesting, at any rate.
cleokaya over 16 years ago
I’ve seen Robert Redford. Mr. Quayle, you are no Robert Redford.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 16 years ago
Fortunately for Mr. Quayle, he is no Robert Redford…
I hope Mr T is ready for beyond the election. A year from now, Democrat voters won’t remember Palin from Adam any more than they knew how many federal senators a state has, when asked that question during the exit polls. Republicans will certainly be an after thought… What oh what will he draw cartoons about then?
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Oh my goodness! Very funny! lols!
Gweedo, I do not want to exaggerate the story about the wild horses euthanatized in NV. You can read the article. Here is
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Bob says: Been trained as Ameslan translator… Ameslan was very old for communicating with the deaf people long time ago. It was so hard to understand with that Ameslan. We don’t use it very much. We use ASL (American Sign Language) a lot. Some of them use SEE that we cannot tolerate to understand at all. Those kinds of methods for signing do with ing, ed, ly, such as prefix and suffix words. We despised that. It wastes time. ASL doesn’t use with that prefix and suffix words.
longtimecomicsfan over 16 years ago
We will finally be able to get past this election in approximately 58 days, 7 minutes, and 30 seconds.
TheWildSow over 16 years ago
My brother (gimmickgenius) did a cartoon of Dan & Marilyn Quayle after leaving office – they morphed into Prince Charles & Princess Diana. Because Dan looks like a male Diana and Marilyn looks like a female Charles!
cadgyod over 16 years ago
Good memory Susan001. So many things are wrong when they’re in other people’s families.
jackofstories over 16 years ago
Unfortunately, Palin shows no signs of going quietly. I’m afraid we’ll have no choice but to remember her.
jackfertig over 16 years ago
God bless Sarah Palin, the Florence Foster Jenkins of American politics. She did to the Republican party what that iceberg did to the Titanic. I hope she’ll be around for a long time as the GOP’s answer to Jim Jones.
cwcarlson over 16 years ago
Amazing how ignorant cartoonists are. They actually read what the liberal press says and believe it as gospel.
ChiehHsia over 16 years ago
jackfertig… the “Florence Foster Jenkins” of American politics indeed. Thank the goddess that she hasn’t tried to lease Carnegie Hall yet.