I recently concluded that English does not benefit from all these specialized terms: troop, gaggle, pride, etc. And the more obscure, the more useless: murder of crows comes to mind. I even suspect some of them exist nowhere but in crosswords.
So we probably could get away with only five or six words based on some valid distinction, such as flock if they can fly or herd if we eat them.
But my magic wand is in the shop and they can’t get parts, so I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.
Amusing, but inaccurate. The proper terms to identify a “group of baboons” are either: flange or troop. While I wouldn’t disagree that a group of baboons may be as effective as our Congress, I prefer Mark Twain’s thought: “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
wldhrsy2luv over 3 years ago
So that’s why its called congress!
sergioandrade Premium Member over 3 years ago
A group of whores is called a parliament, which is insulting. Most whores are not members of parliament.
TStyle78 over 3 years ago
That actually isn’t true if you Google it. A group of Baboons is called a troop.
nosirrom over 3 years ago
It usually depends on your political affiliation and which group you’re talking about.
For me that’s a seven letter word followed by a six letter work.
pschearer Premium Member over 3 years ago
I recently concluded that English does not benefit from all these specialized terms: troop, gaggle, pride, etc. And the more obscure, the more useless: murder of crows comes to mind. I even suspect some of them exist nowhere but in crosswords.
So we probably could get away with only five or six words based on some valid distinction, such as flock if they can fly or herd if we eat them.
But my magic wand is in the shop and they can’t get parts, so I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.
Milady Meg over 3 years ago
The only four-letter swear word I use is “Cruz” but that might get labelled “too gruesome” and not get past the comics censors here.
Doug K over 3 years ago
Since the senate is part of congress, should a bunch of senators be referred to as a bunch of baboons?
hollisson Premium Member over 3 years ago
A “polite” word for both the senate and congress would be “assylum”.
sandflea over 3 years ago
Most members of Congress are just there for the money.
MCProfessor over 3 years ago
JSH in Dover over 3 years ago
Amusing, but inaccurate. The proper terms to identify a “group of baboons” are either: flange or troop. While I wouldn’t disagree that a group of baboons may be as effective as our Congress, I prefer Mark Twain’s thought: “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
Glibster Premium Member over 3 years ago
A four letter swear word describing senators could be “rats”, as in “Oh, rats!”
Old Man River over 3 years ago
Nothing you could call them would be bad enough.