Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for August 26, 2021

  1. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 3 years ago

    1919 was shortly after Picasso got into Dada.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    Did Pablo’s piece go to a museum?

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  3. Download
    Walter Kocker  over 3 years ago

    Who knew Picasso was in the closet?

    Not that it matters, you understand.


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    Charlie Fogwhistle  over 3 years ago

    The only way I’d eat 50 chili dogs in 22 minutes is if each of those minutes is on a separate day.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 3 years ago

    Move over, Joey Chestnutt.

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  6. Freedom
    bookworm0812  over 3 years ago

    When I lived in South Bend, IN, someone’s pet python got loose so for several days, authorities were looking for it. I was freaked out. I was afraid it might show up on our front porch! It was finally found and the authorities were to kill it. They had a hard time getting the thing to die. They ran over it a few times and it didn’t die. They pumped it full of lead and it still didn’t die right away. It finally did, though.

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  7. 0c5a4e3d 157f 410c aff6 25f4454f024a
    Flynn White Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The python was searching for an Emergency Clinic because of the frog in his throat.

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  8. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 3 years ago

    And Molly became the first rocketless astronaut.

    Take care, may alpha-d-galactosidase exploiter Blap Phartord be with you, and gesundheit.

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    markhughw  over 3 years ago

    I got a completely different story about the Le Tricorne painting. It was painted for the Ballets Russes in Paris in 1919, making it unlikely that it was in unlikely that it hung in a closet in Maine from 1919 until 1959. This very large “stage curtain” for the ballet of this name was hung at The Four Seasons restaurant in NY from 1959 until 2014 and is now at the NY Historical Society, the largest Picasso in the US. It was not sold by the NY Historical Society for $150,000 in 2021. My guess is that it was unlikely in a closet in Maine from 1919 until 1959, 50 years, and then sold at auction to The Fours Seasons for $150,000 in 1959, but it might have made its way to Maine in the 1920s or 1930s and then sold in 1959 for a mere $150,000, but about what Picassos were selling for in 1959. In 2021, it would probably have sold for tens of $millions:

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  10. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Circus sideshows used to feature “geeks and freaks” and today we still have Competitive Eaters to fill the void.

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    oakie817  over 3 years ago

    truth: my ex had a 5 foot ball python for a pet…it escaped once and was missing for 3 months in our 2 bedroom apartment……looked everywhere….one day while sitting on toliet, she suddenly appeared sticking her head up from bathtub

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  12. Dvincent
    dv1093  over 3 years ago

    I think we all agree – this “snake” tidbit is not worthy of RBION. Moving on – why is it that all of these competitive hot dog eaters are skinny?

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    tremaine53  over 3 years ago

    Competitive Eating is just… wrong.

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  14. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 3 years ago

    Did RBION lose all it’s files prior to 2021???

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    Buckeye67  over 3 years ago

    Not mentioned was that a minute after Molly finished the corner bar had to be evacuated, oh the humanity.

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  16. Vlad2
    Oxnate  over 3 years ago

    Picasso sells for $150,000. Hunter Biden paintings sell for $500,000. And there’s definitely no cheating and no election fraud. Please stop asking questions.

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  17. Img 0108
    pbr50138  over 3 years ago

    I could eat 5 chili dogs in 2.2 hours. And that’s a stretch.

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