Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 29, 2025
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson signals of a misspent as capital of the free world, d.c. has a great, if vanished, tradition of local children's show hosts. how many do you recall? hint - one is made up. captain tug - jolly yet hemingway-esque. the place for "three stooges" reruns. ranger hal - good production values. co-starred oswald, an oafish rabbit puppet. sir grave ghastly - relatively dignified. universal horror classics in heavy rotation. captain 20 - "mr. spock" manque. said "live long & win lots of prizes." count gore devol - captain 20's nightjob. punning name too subtle for many viewers. uncle sid the bureaucrat - low-key. had a talking stapler named "mr. collate." bonus question - what legendary obscenity was uttered by a child guest on the old, live, bozo show? how did bozo respond? what did the child call bozo?
The Masked Eevenger! about 1 month ago
I didn’t know Sir Graves Ghastly appeared anywhere outside of Detroit.
admwrlk Premium Member about 1 month ago
I don’t remember what the kid initially supposedly said, but Bozo replied “that’s a Bozo no-no!” and the kid replied “Climb it Clowny” , allegedly
Wlly Blly about 1 month ago
Good Lord, I remember all of these shows from growing up in the DC region. I knew that Capt. 20 and the Count were the same person, and couldn’t understand how anybody couldn’t see it.
I’m wondering what the “pun” is in Count Gore Devol. Anybody have an answer?
beady.el about 1 month ago
I’ll be darned – all but one of those are, in fact, real.
PoodleGroomer about 1 month ago
The staple remover on the bottom of the stapler was found to be too suggestive.
TheWildSow about 1 month ago
Our Three Stooges reruns were brought to us by Paul Shannon’s Adventure Time (Pittsburgh PA.) And our horror movie host was Chilly Billy Cardille.
Vince M about 1 month ago
I’ll note that is a spot-on depiction of Sir Graves Ghastly – I would have recognized him in a heartbeat even if I saw the picture out of this context.