Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 19, 2025

  1. Im age
    garcalej  2 days ago

    They’re also immune to rabies, contrary to popular belief, and aren’t very aggressive, despite their appearance. Like an ugly little koala mixed with a handsome rat.

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  2. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  2 days ago

    1) Opossums climb the fence and jump into my trash can, and then can’t get back out. When I find one in there I tip the can on its side so the ‘possum can run out, but the last one didn’t want to! And I needed to take the can down to the street for pickup the next morning — so I scooped it up with a shovel and dumped it in the yard! It just looked at me like, “Why’d you do that? I was having a good meal!”

    2) Snowglobes with Hemingway? Yes, please! I’ll talk snowglobe collecting with anybody (been collecting ’em since I was 8 years old because I actually DO love them!) Last week I managed to acquire the Fargo pair — Car Crash AND the rare and pricey Wood Chipper — for a very reasonable price. My husband would have definitely given them to me for Valentines Day if he were still alive <3

    The wood chipper scene is rare and pricey because not many were distributed (they were a gift with the VHS tape of Fargo.) Seems the company got complaints that the scene was “violent and disturbing,” what with the bloody red “snowflakes” — so they pulled it and replaced it with the car crash scene! What did they expect? It’s supposed to be violent and disturbing — it’s FARGO!

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  3. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member 2 days ago

    The collecting conundrum—have been there, with moose-shaped objects.

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  4. Dogwoods lining our street
    beezel  1 day ago

    you tube.Com/watch?v=j0Q7q0KzKqA

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  5. Dogwoods lining our street
    beezel  1 day ago

    We had a stuffed possum that our daughter-in-law gave my husband, because he plays possum songs on the guitar. It became our “church possum” (we met for church in our house at the time). The kids all played with him, we had pictures of him on a little pew reading the Bible, and other fun things.

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