Prickly City by Scott Stantis for September 04, 2021

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    ImDaRealAni  over 3 years ago

    Nope, unfortunately not. There are too many stories of people regretting not getting vaccinated in the ER.

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    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Stantis, what, exactly, should we have learned?


    This is not the class where you always get to claim that the proof is up to the students.

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    William Robbins Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The Borowitz Report

    Texas Republicans Back Statewide Dress Code for Women — “I believe in the sanctity of human life, and the best way to protect life, in the case of a woman, is to free her from having to choose what to wear,” the governor said.

    New Law Requires Texans to Have Counselling Before Being Allowed to Vote — “Many people who think that voting is something they have to do haven’t gotten all of the information available to them,” Governor Greg Abbott said.

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It appears that we haven’t learned from the Spanish Flu pandemic.

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    Kip Williams  over 3 years ago

    “What does it all mean?”

    “Maybe yes, maybe no.”

    “But what’s the real value system here?”

    “Six of one, half dozen of the other.”

    “How does this tie in with the insurrec-”

    “STOP RIGHT THERE! No specifics. No actual nouns. Nothing of the real world shall ever impose itself upon our vaguely centrist-sounding maunderings! And frolic faster!”

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Responding to Winslow’s comment “occasionally” in panel #3. my answer is “we never have, why would anyone think this time would be different?”

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    Wendy Emlinger  over 3 years ago

    Will we learn from our losses? Not in my lifetime they haven’t.

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    sandflea  over 3 years ago

    Sometimes we learn for a while, but then become complacent and do the same stupid stuff all over again.

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    Typhoid Mary

    September 4, 1900

    First known case of typhoid attributed to Typhoid Mary (Mary Mallon). Mallon was the first recorded U.S. case of a healthy carrier of typhoid. She is suspected of directly infecting 51 people, three of whom died, with typhoid while working as a cook. She herself remained healthy. Outbreaks of typhoid followed her wherever she worked. She was put in quarantine for three years, but released when she promised not to work as a cook. However, after release she resumed working as a cook causing several more typhoid outbreaks. She was then put in quarantine for the remainder of her life.

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    Scoutmaster77  over 3 years ago

    Not so much…

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    ChukLitl Premium Member over 3 years ago

    We need to go back to electing combat veterans. Ford with Mayaguez & Bush with Kuwait; defined the objective, got ’er done, & got out.

    On the other hand; Ike’s “he’s an s.o.b. but he’s our s.o.b.” policy was how most former colonies got their borders & leaders, causing oppressed insurrectionists to turn wherever else for assistance (commies then, jihadis now), ultimately lining the pockets of his hated “military industrial complex.”

    The gripping hand is each party elected an impeachable, womanizing, draft dodger who was friendly with Epstein, & blew pretty bubbles with the economy until it collapsed.

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    mikendi  over 3 years ago

    And too many in the ER overdosing on horse deworming med…

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    rossevrymn  over 3 years ago

    It’s hard to learn as a country when 70 million petulant adult children refuse to do so, right Stantisfersupportingthem?

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