Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for October 03, 2021

  1. Coyote
    eromlig  over 3 years ago

    The following is a story about grief. You may ask if this is a proper subject for humor, or, as Gahan Wilson remarked when he saw a parade of people reverently holding aloft an image of a big zero, “Is Nothing Sacred?” Well, let’s find out…

    A man is visiting a cemetery when he notices another man weeping at what seem to be multiple graves. His curiosity gets the better of him, so he goes over and asks the man which grave holds the remains of whoever he’s mourning.

    “All three of them,” the man replies. “My first, second, and third wives.”

    “Oh, that’s tragic,” the visitor says. “Tell me, what did they die of?”

    “My first wife ate poison mushrooms and passed away. Ironically, my second wife also ate bad mushrooms.”

    “And your third wife?”

    “She died from a broken skull.”

    “Oh, my God – a broken skull?! How did she break her skull?”

    “She wouldn’t eat the mushrooms.”

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 3 years ago

    Wikipedia refutes this claim about the first reading lens: The earliest written record of magnification dates back to the 1st century AD, when Seneca the Younger, a tutor of Emperor Nero, wrote: “Letters, however small and indistinct, are seen enlarged and more clearly through a globe or glass filled with water”. Emperor Nero is also said to have watched the gladiatorial games using an emerald as a corrective lens.

    There may have even been reading lens back as far as BCE.

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  3. Blinky3
    ghretighoti  over 3 years ago
    Why not call the hybrid fish a Paddle-On?
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  4. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    I wonder how a sturddlefish deep-fried flesh tastes with with tartar sauce and malt vinegar alongside french fries. Not to mention how hefty of a price for its roe to make a tin of caviar.

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    Truth Seeker  over 3 years ago

    I’ve got an orange and white manx, I wonder how much the job of mayor of Talkeetna, AK pays?

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    Susan00100  over 3 years ago

    Betcha that cat was more efficient than his two-legged counterparts!!

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    Susan00100  over 3 years ago

    How is the caviar from that “sturddlefish”?

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  8. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 3 years ago

    What a relief, to know that if I were alive 1000 years ago I’d be able to see little tiny letters.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 3 years ago

    Did they nickname him Mayor Manx? That was a character from Swat Kats.

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  10. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 3 years ago

    That’s an old cat!

    I wonder if some of the reading stones were ulexite? Maybe not, as it doesn’t usually magnify a lot.

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    TStyle78  over 3 years ago

    Can we elect the cat for President? Sounds like he would be better than our last two presidents.

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  12. Cropped narragansett indian logo
    The Pro from Dover  over 3 years ago

    Do you love me?

    Now that I can dance?

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  13. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Muhammad Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I once mailed a peacock to Jumpin’ Jack Flash who read the address label wrong and went to the mill lake with Bob for catfish.

    Take care, may prolific Norwegian rhubarb pudding eschewer Horst Fiordstord be with you, and gesundheit.

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  14. Img e0281
    joefearsnothing  over 3 years ago

    In Kentucky, we call the paddlefish a spoonbill catfish!

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  15. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 3 years ago

    How did the writers write so small readers needed reading stones, writing stones?

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  16. Geebeer1
    FassEddie  over 3 years ago

    If your town’s choices for government are so bad that you’d vote in a cat, bulldoze it over.

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  17. Great view up here
    comixbomix  over 3 years ago

    Coming in 2022: Crappiar!!!

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  18. Donald duck2
    gmu328  over 3 years ago

    Reminds me of the time in Wisconsin they were running out of Coho Salmon and fishermen were complaining abou that, so they bred them with a Walleye Pike – a faster breeding fish. The Walleye didn’t fight as hard as the Salmon and the cross of the Salmon / Walleye also didn’t fight as hard and fisherman complained about that. So they got the Muskellunge, a fierce fighting fish, and bred it with the Coho / Walleye breed and got an extremely fast breeding fighting fish. The problem with this Coho / Walleye / Muskellunge breed – or the CoWalSki – was it couldn’t swim.

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