I never see an option to not accept cookies so what’s the point? “Do you mind if I fart in this elevator? Here’s my farting policy if you wish to know more!”
On my phone, there’s often no way around the pop-up. I have noticed that more often than not, once you agree, the countdown begins. And then one day you come to the site, and “You have no more free articles this month. Sign up for a subscription…”
On my laptop I can usually fudge my way around all that by using the dev tools, but not on my devices. It really annoys me that they show Google the entire article in order to boost their search ranking, and then use my own browser against me to alter the page and limit my views.
C over 3 years ago
What cookies? Incognito mode deletes them when you close the tab.
unfair.de over 3 years ago
That’d be dangerous to the site owner. This is easy grounds for even a layman lawman to sue the site into oblivion and the pants off the owner.
samandstan2006 over 3 years ago
Computers like treats too!
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
After reading this, I thought of a great name for a “Cookie-Blocker” Program… “Cookie Monster”! Well guess what? It already exists! ☺
“Coo-kie! Num Num Num Num…”
whelan_jj over 3 years ago
They all have that message because the EU demands it. The law was passed a few years ago.
Raging Moderate over 3 years ago
I never see an option to not accept cookies so what’s the point? “Do you mind if I fart in this elevator? Here’s my farting policy if you wish to know more!”
InquireWithin over 3 years ago
On my phone, there’s often no way around the pop-up. I have noticed that more often than not, once you agree, the countdown begins. And then one day you come to the site, and “You have no more free articles this month. Sign up for a subscription…”
On my laptop I can usually fudge my way around all that by using the dev tools, but not on my devices. It really annoys me that they show Google the entire article in order to boost their search ranking, and then use my own browser against me to alter the page and limit my views.