Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for September 20, 2021

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    whenlifewassimpler  over 3 years ago

    Oh Kate a women after my own heart with my weekly and then end of month cleaning and like you I love to sit with my book or just relax period in my chair. Plus look around and enjoy a nice clean, organized house.

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    Chithing  over 3 years ago

    Ah, the twin tornadoes are home from school.

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    suelou  over 3 years ago

    Just wondering why a Grandmother has the sole care of 2 young children …. When I was 13 my Mom left my Dad and moved in on my Grandmother with 4 kids, and proceeded to have 3 more… and my poor grandmother who kept her house so neat eventually gave up on the whole place and kept to her neat bedroom a lot while her grandchildren proceeded to wreck her once nice house, and the daughter wouldn’t try to keep us being careful of someone else’s house, and did very little herself … I ended up having a very close relationship with my Grandmother, which I wouldn’t have had otherwise, living in a different state, but what a price it was to her!

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