Fred Basset by Alex Graham for October 02, 2021

  1. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 3 years ago

    So a man finally asks for directions and this is what he gets. Time to use your nose Fred!

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  2. Dr cesspool
    byamrcn  over 3 years ago

    Anybody else remember paper maps? They always work.

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    mikenjanet  over 3 years ago

    Another fine example of how progress really isn’t progress at all. We have more ways in this world to stay in touch than we ever have and we’re more out of touch than we’ve ever been. Give me a paper map over sat nav any day. I find sat nav supremely annoying anyway. Give me a real book with pages and a cover. I like the way they feel. I do not need my phone to act like a baby’s busy bag with games to amuse myself with while waiting. I’ll read a real book. And actually Fred, I loved the way the man gave directions and understood them perfectly.

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    juicebruce  over 3 years ago

    Directions with a history lesson ;-)

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  5. Gandalf
    Gandalf  over 3 years ago

    I remember this: ‘Turn right at the white church’.After driving for miles… Reason: ‘the white church burned down a few years ago’.

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  6. Img 0431
    Dobber Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Take a right at where the old Almacs used to be.

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  7. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 3 years ago

    You live anywhere long enough and most places used to be something else. “Remember when Mario’s Pizza used to be the Old Bakery?”

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    darcyandsimon  over 3 years ago

    Folks always think you’re gonna actually remember…

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    ajr58(1)  over 3 years ago

    When did the Dears move to New Hampshire?

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    joannesshadow  over 3 years ago

    My mother used to give me directions by saying something like: Go left at Jane Smith’s old house, then right at the corner where the Johnsons used to live." Of course, Smith was Jane’s maiden name, and I don’t know where she used to live. And I never heard of the Johnsons!

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    kathleenhicks62  over 3 years ago

    Another “plugger”-turn right where the Safeway was.

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  12. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 3 years ago

    Directions from the locals, often are not directions, but are a history of the area.

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    DavBlc7  over 3 years ago

    If the Sat-nav break down, why not use the phone as it had the Google map or nav apps on it.

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