The walks – bottom feeding – old chicken bones, dead worms, pieces of snakes, months old sandwich sections, live worms, toads, chunks of fish, and don’t get me started on garbage day. The rule is you can smell the garbage for 3 seconds, and then move on. My dog’s reflexes are better than mine, so I need to scan the road as we walk because even with the leash, I need to see anything potentially semi-edible first and avoid it. She sleeps a lot. I got her as an adult dog, and she was never taught to drop things or leave them. I once pulled almost an entire mouse out of her mouth by the tail. I had no idea what was in her mouth, and we do our big walk of the day at dawn. So many surprises! She’s smallish, too, but a trained hunter from her first 6 years.
slelareader over 3 years ago
Hoovering or hunting?
Doug K over 3 years ago
Some would call it being on clean-up “duty”.
It’s part of the symbiotic relationship between the two of them.
BigDaveGlass over 3 years ago
Best vacuum you can have, gets into places a Roomba can’t……..
Catfeet Premium Member over 3 years ago
That sounds like my kind of hunt!
rentier over 3 years ago
That’s really much work!!
flemmingo over 3 years ago
Chasing squirrels can wear a doggie out!
robertdkrebs Premium Member over 3 years ago
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go, hi ho the dairy o, the hunting we will go! Weach fur the sky squirrel.
Moonkey Premium Member over 3 years ago
The walks – bottom feeding – old chicken bones, dead worms, pieces of snakes, months old sandwich sections, live worms, toads, chunks of fish, and don’t get me started on garbage day. The rule is you can smell the garbage for 3 seconds, and then move on. My dog’s reflexes are better than mine, so I need to scan the road as we walk because even with the leash, I need to see anything potentially semi-edible first and avoid it. She sleeps a lot. I got her as an adult dog, and she was never taught to drop things or leave them. I once pulled almost an entire mouse out of her mouth by the tail. I had no idea what was in her mouth, and we do our big walk of the day at dawn. So many surprises! She’s smallish, too, but a trained hunter from her first 6 years.
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
If that were true, then my Lab should’ve stored up a boatload of energy by now!
rentier over 3 years ago
Red likes eating and Rover likes both, sleeping and eating, this is a well fitting couple!!
mymontana over 3 years ago
Gotta do whatcha gotta do