And direct me to the nearest gazpacho emporium.
Sarsaparilla was found to be a carcinogen and is no longer sold. Was a surprise to me. Is there anything that doesn’t cause cancer?
Please, stay safe and preserve the gazpacho for future generations.
Should a gentleman offer a lady a Sarsaparilla?
Per my calculations, it would have been relatively easy to kill him in 1909.
The whole “travel through time to kill hitler” trope, but in reality it turns out hitler was the time traveler who ended up killing hitler.
As I understand it, the main reason time travelers haven’t knocked off Hitler was because he was the Chancellor we could beat.
Better check that penny – it could be worth much more than face value…
August 09, 2014
danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago
And direct me to the nearest gazpacho emporium.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 3 years ago
Sarsaparilla was found to be a carcinogen and is no longer sold. Was a surprise to me. Is there anything that doesn’t cause cancer?
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 3 years ago
Please, stay safe and preserve the gazpacho for future generations.
Kip Williams over 3 years ago
Should a gentleman offer a lady a Sarsaparilla?
Kip Williams over 3 years ago
Per my calculations, it would have been relatively easy to kill him in 1909.
moondog42 Premium Member over 3 years ago
The whole “travel through time to kill hitler” trope, but in reality it turns out hitler was the time traveler who ended up killing hitler.
danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago
As I understand it, the main reason time travelers haven’t knocked off Hitler was because he was the Chancellor we could beat.
ferddo over 3 years ago
Better check that penny – it could be worth much more than face value…