Everything my recently deceased wife and I did caused a sore back, or is that not what he meant. We were told by the Doctors that it was all due to age and occupation and the activities we were involved in like heavy lifting. She was a pet groomer and I was a caregiver for a stroke victim and had to lift him.
C over 3 years ago
Such a supportive spouse
whahoppened over 3 years ago
Likely from sleeping on the sofa.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago
The worse thing one can do with a sore back is not move around enough.
The Reader Premium Member over 3 years ago
I find that hard to swallow.
Geophyzz over 3 years ago
Betty sounds like my daughter the chiropractor; but she will allow a little Advil.
DawnQuinn1 over 3 years ago
Supportive? Not even close. She is a very cold, uncaring person.
John9 over 3 years ago
Everything my recently deceased wife and I did caused a sore back, or is that not what he meant. We were told by the Doctors that it was all due to age and occupation and the activities we were involved in like heavy lifting. She was a pet groomer and I was a caregiver for a stroke victim and had to lift him.