What goes well with Navajo fry bread (aside from taco fillings)?
Yum yum yum yum
Every-time I hear or see the word FRY BREAD, I think of the movie SMOKE SIGNALS . . one of my all time favorites.
Ah geeze. You just HAD to make me crave frybread!
Lalo Alcaraz
May 22, 2015
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
What goes well with Navajo fry bread (aside from taco fillings)?
ncrist over 3 years ago
Yum yum yum yum
Yermo Adam over 3 years ago
Every-time I hear or see the word FRY BREAD, I think of the movie SMOKE SIGNALS . . one of my all time favorites.
Dawn Premium Member over 3 years ago
Ah geeze. You just HAD to make me crave frybread!