Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for November 13, 2021

  1. Coyote
    eromlig  over 3 years ago

    Since we’re pretty evenly divided (politically) here in America, I managed to offend half the country last night. However, neither half knows for sure who was actually dissed. Oh, well. Not my problem. Here’s something that may offend a whole new set of folks:

    A man goes to visit an old friend who has retired onto a farm. As he walks around with his farmer friend, he sees a pig in the barnyard with a wooden leg. “What’s the story on that pig?” he asks his friend.

    “That’s no mere ‘pig,’” the farmer begins. “Two months ago, I fell off my tractor, which somehow kicked into reverse. My ankle was twisted; I couldn’t get away. I was about to be run over when that pig came charging in out of nowhere and dragged me to safety.”

    “OK,” the man says. “But what about -”

    “Last month, my youngest son fell into the well, and that pig came running to me and grunted and oinked for me to follow him. I did, just in time to save the child.”

    “But -”

    “And just last week our house caught on fire. That pig squealed loud enough to wake us all up, and we managed to escape. That, my friend, is a great pig.”

    “But what’s with the wooden leg?”

    “Hey, a great pig like that, you just don’t eat all at once.”

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  2. Mmae
    pearlsbs  over 3 years ago

    Okay. I have no trouble believing that something can made that looks like a lawnmower that can reach more that 140 mile per hour. But I will be really impressed if it can actually mow grass at that speed.

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  3. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 3 years ago

    A man walks into a bar. “Ow! That’s gonna leave a bruise!” he says.

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  4. Mmae
    pearlsbs  over 3 years ago

    I want to know if the Sam Adams product is actually illegal in 15 states or if it is just illegal to call it beer in those 15 states instead of malt liquor.

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  5. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    Since it is in metric-using UK, Edwards’ mower goes 225.31 km an hour.

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  6. Cropped narragansett indian logo
    The Pro from Dover  over 3 years ago

    The Shropshire Slayer

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  7. A common  tater
    A Common 'tator  over 3 years ago

    Obviously Shropshire’s in England, everyone knows that, but where’s Florida ?

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  8. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    When a beer gets over 7% alcohol it tastes more like a bad wine.

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  9. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The alligator story made the news out here in inland SoCal.

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  10. A common  tater
    A Common 'tator  over 3 years ago

    Without preamble…

    Once upon a time there lived a Jewish man whose name was Saul the Dreamer. Saul was a man of roving and adventurous disposition, always ready to travel and explore. One day, an itinerant maggid told him about a faraway country where onions were unknown.

    “No onions” mused the Dreamer “Now what kind of pleasure can they derive from their food without onions? I‘ll go there and introduce this delicious vegetable.”

    Without any further delay he acquired a wagon-load of onions and started out for that country. It was a distant land and the journey took many months.

    Immediately upon his arrival he went directly to the royal court and asked for an audience with the emperor.

    “Your Highness, I bring you a new vegetable that possesses the unique quality of improving all food,” began Saul. “Even by itself it is a gourmet’s delight. I urge you to try it.”

    “Very well,” agreed the monarch. “But if this strange vegetable should prove injurious you will forfeit your head.”

    The dinner at which the onions were to be served was a formal one. All the ministers of state, the nobles and high priests of the mighty realm were invited. The dishes which contained the onions were tasted first by Saul the Dreamer, then by the slaves, and then, in turn, by the potentates and prelates. Finally the king tasted the new vegetable. The reaction among all was one of great enthusiasm. Serf and sovereign alike pronounced it most excellent in flavour and succulence. The monarch appropriated the wagon-load of onions for his court and gave Saul their weight in gold.

    When the adventurer returned home, a committee of prominent citizens gathered to congratulate him on his good fortune. For hours he told his curious landsleit of the splendour and magnificence he had witnessed in that distant and mysterious country where gold was cheaper than onions.

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  11. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Muhammad Premium Member over 3 years ago

    And the people in the states where it’s legal drink it from beer hats while singing “Shomebody Look . .. hic … Up theeeee w-wurdz t thish Shong.. Pulleeezzzz .. plop”..

    Take care, may failed Alcoholics Anonymous Speech Writer Gus “Hey.. Hey!” O’Leeveord be with you, and gesundheit.

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  12. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Country and Western singer George Jones drove Tony Edwards’s riding lawn mower to the local drive thru liquor store where be bought four cases of Utopias using Abdul Gene Maliks’s military ID and credit card. Believe It or Not!

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  13. Greg backlit
    mindjob  over 3 years ago

    I’ve heard of freezing beer and scrapping off the ice to increase the alcohol percentage, but nothing as high as 28%.

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    OldTracy  over 3 years ago

    The news reports show his name as Gene Bozzi, not Gene Malik. What’s going on? Did Ripley’s goof?

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  15. Image002
    hsawlrae  over 3 years ago

    EXCELLENT Publication, today. I can read it all clearly without my glasses.

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  16. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Sam’s beer is sooooo good.

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  17. Img 0111
    J. R. M.   over 3 years ago

    Abdul Gene Malik that’s pretty brave of you, wearing socks and slippers. In Florida I’d expect socks and sandals.

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  18. Missing large
    ekke  over 3 years ago

    Now the real question is this: at 140 MPH, how good a job can it really do of actually mowing grass? On one side of the mower, the blade can hardly be moving at all relative to the ground!

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  19. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I never knew Sam Adams made shitty beer that was also super expensive.

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  20. Cattitude and doggonit avatar
    the humorist formerly known as Hotshot1984 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    A bit ironic considering the therapist Off the Mark strip I saw few days ago here, but now I know where that came from. I think people just added “after a while crocodile”, because while and crocodile simply just rhymed.

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    pbr50138  over 3 years ago

    Why not just get some Everclear and pour it in a beer?

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    schaefer jim  over 3 years ago

    What was in the bin, body parts?

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  23. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  over 3 years ago

    alligator story almost daily occurrence in Florida

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  24. Naturalhairmecartoon
    Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Video of man catching alligator in trash can:

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    WDD  over 3 years ago

    Beer that’s illegal in 15 states? Does that include Massachusetts? (The original Samuel Adams is buried in Park Street Church graveyard, Boston, Ma.)

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