Ah, the old “they all do it” trick. Comparing Fox to PBS is like comparing an armed robber to a jaywalker. Both are illegal, but one is far far worse. And Fox is regularly the most untruthful network on the air. (So untruthful that their only defense in court is that no reasonable person would consider their content as actual news).
I can’t think of any news group that delivers an unbiased report… basically who, what, when and where is standard—- and the “why” over the last twenty years has snuck into just about every news report
Probably because the picked off demmy loonies like screaming at the tv.They LOVE arguments, err, debates, where the opposition can’t get a word in. They just turn the volume off and imagine what they think the talking heads are saying.They don’t care what they’re saying, they’ll disagree with whatever they imagine any opposition is saying.
TStyle78 about 3 years ago
Solid choices.
C about 3 years ago
0 for 3
AllishaDawn about 3 years ago
I thought Little White Lies was on Freeform.
cdward about 3 years ago
Ah, the old “they all do it” trick. Comparing Fox to PBS is like comparing an armed robber to a jaywalker. Both are illegal, but one is far far worse. And Fox is regularly the most untruthful network on the air. (So untruthful that their only defense in court is that no reasonable person would consider their content as actual news).
admiree2 about 3 years ago
Faux News is Fake News or more accurately it is Faux Entertainment. This was established by their own court filings as the defendant.
It needs a new name. The OKTT Channel for those Oath Keepers who want to carry a Tiki Torch which makes arson and book burning much easier.
The Reader Premium Member about 3 years ago
If you want to be informed, watch the shopping network.
AlanM about 3 years ago
If Fox News is so terrible, why is it the most watched channel?
Kirk Barnes Premium Member about 3 years ago
Amongst the happy little trees.
cuzinron47 about 3 years ago
That’s the way it’s listed on the channel guide.
Oh Really? about 3 years ago
I can’t think of any news group that delivers an unbiased report… basically who, what, when and where is standard—- and the “why” over the last twenty years has snuck into just about every news report
MCProfessor about 3 years ago
I love the way this comic causes both sides to become unhinged.
halvincobbes Premium Member about 3 years ago
According to fact checkers and political bias checkers, Fox and CNN are equally bad sources for news. You can trust PBS though.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
I’m getting high blood pressure from having to take so many “grains of salt” with the news I see.
lawguy05 about 3 years ago
Either way you slice it, journalism integrity is gone in the “main stream media.”
aussie399 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Probably because the picked off demmy loonies like screaming at the tv.They LOVE arguments, err, debates, where the opposition can’t get a word in. They just turn the volume off and imagine what they think the talking heads are saying.They don’t care what they’re saying, they’ll disagree with whatever they imagine any opposition is saying.