51 Years Ago – It occurred to me recently that Mr. Pert gives off a vibe like Mr. Potter from “It’s a Wonderful LIfe.” This is not an original thought. I see from Google searches that it has been suggested before by a number of people. But is it plausible? The first reference I can find to Mr. Pert is 1946 in Jim Scancarelli’s timeline. That is the year that the film came out. Can you more knowledgeable alleycats provide any insight on this?
sergioandrade Premium Member about 3 years ago
I’ve been reading Gasoline Alley since the ’60’s I can’t remember him ever shaving.
DaJellyBelly about 3 years ago
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 3 years ago
You shave and I’ll put yore cuttin’s on my face. They’ll never recognisize us.
WLG12037 about 3 years ago
Oh, boy, THIS oughta’ be good!
oakie817 about 3 years ago
not sure if i would want to see that
Susan00100 about 3 years ago
When will the truth come out: that they want to cast those rubes in a movie?
It would be funnier to see them louse up take after take while filming.
Durak Premium Member about 3 years ago
Shave? Hmm. Let me see. Never?
hsawlrae about 3 years ago
Same ears, same nose . . . about 3 years ago
They will disguise as each other and fool nobody.
BlitzMcD about 3 years ago
The two who are headed for the hoosegow are now going on the lam. Throw the book at ’em!
allangary about 3 years ago
51 Years Ago – It occurred to me recently that Mr. Pert gives off a vibe like Mr. Potter from “It’s a Wonderful LIfe.” This is not an original thought. I see from Google searches that it has been suggested before by a number of people. But is it plausible? The first reference I can find to Mr. Pert is 1946 in Jim Scancarelli’s timeline. That is the year that the film came out. Can you more knowledgeable alleycats provide any insight on this?