They’ve found that bodies are decaying slower than they use to because of the food. It used to take around 20 years for a body to go down to bones, now it’s about 24
A good friend and coworker of mine had heart bypass surgery a couple years prior. He brought his lunch to work one day and with his sandwiches and fruit, he had two twinkies. He was eating his lunch at his desk behind me, and I turned around and said “hey, put those twinkies down!” And he responded “Im putting them down as fast as I can!” as he shoved them down his throat. LOL LOL. We all laughed. He loved those stupid twinkies. And the discussions we would have about all Hostess products and Tastee Cakes and Little Debbies. Gotta talk about something in the workplace besides work!
GreasyOldTam about 3 years ago
At least RJ has a purpose, which is more than Verne has.
rebeccabyram22 about 3 years ago
You know it’s bad when the twinkie talks back
nosirrom about 3 years ago
What’s wrong with self preservation? ;-)
juicebruce about 3 years ago
Happy New Year !
Doug K about 3 years ago
RJ does not see his consumption of Twinkies as self-destructive.
Ellis97 about 3 years ago
Give RJ a break, Verne. He’s a raccoon. What’s he got? Two or three years?
Chithing Premium Member about 3 years ago
I guess they taste better than embalming fluid.
Hydrohead about 3 years ago
There were a couple of fun episodes of Ologies on Racoonns this month.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 3 years ago
They’ve found that bodies are decaying slower than they use to because of the food. It used to take around 20 years for a body to go down to bones, now it’s about 24
Lana M. about 3 years ago
So even if the preservatives kill you with cancer, at least they will preserve your corpse…
oakie817 about 3 years ago
today’s twinkies don’t taste like the twinkies i grew up on
rlaker22j about 3 years ago
without Vern RJ would know how good his life really is
emftoots still causing mischief Premium Member about 3 years ago
A good friend and coworker of mine had heart bypass surgery a couple years prior. He brought his lunch to work one day and with his sandwiches and fruit, he had two twinkies. He was eating his lunch at his desk behind me, and I turned around and said “hey, put those twinkies down!” And he responded “Im putting them down as fast as I can!” as he shoved them down his throat. LOL LOL. We all laughed. He loved those stupid twinkies. And the discussions we would have about all Hostess products and Tastee Cakes and Little Debbies. Gotta talk about something in the workplace besides work!
gustoons Premium Member about 3 years ago
I wish most of us thought life is about self-improvment. Weirdly, Vern is an optimist.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
What he will end up with is a very well-preserved corpse.
Odd Dog Premium Member about 3 years ago
Happy New years to all! Please be safe and be well! ;^)