Oddly, my most skittish cat seems unfazed by the vacuum, which is good because the dog absolutely looses it when it it even comes out of the closet – doesn’t even have to be plugged in.
Any room with a vacuum cleaner is a panic room. I bought the quietest one on the market and even I don’t want to be in the same room with it when it is on.
My nearly 15 year old cat is skittish about many things. She is wary of the vacuum but unafraid of it most times. She’ll leave the room eventually if it’s on for a long length of time or gets too near to her. Generally though, she just watches the vacuum and me. It looks to me as if she’s thinking “It has taken me days to shed that fur and spread it around just so. Why are you creating more work for me?”
stairsteppublishing about 3 years ago
Cats do not like the loud noise of the vacuum, but then neither do I. The exception is the latest cat addition. He does not mind the noise at all.
catmom1360 about 3 years ago
The vacuum; the bane of cat’s over the world.
Charliegirl Premium Member about 3 years ago
They never get used to it, do they?
Red Bird about 3 years ago
Whew, crisis averted. Thank goodness.
dessertlady Premium Member about 3 years ago
Oddly, my most skittish cat seems unfazed by the vacuum, which is good because the dog absolutely looses it when it it even comes out of the closet – doesn’t even have to be plugged in.
FreyjaRN Premium Member about 3 years ago
My cats avoid the vac, but they don’t panic.
diskus Premium Member about 3 years ago
And why is it we have to run the vacuum so often???
prrdh about 3 years ago
The kitty sucker upper threat has been averted.
Cat food server about 3 years ago
I can actually run the furniture attachment on my elderly deaf cat. Everyone else adheres to the BCN motto: if it’s not a broom, leave the room.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
Any room with a vacuum cleaner is a panic room. I bought the quietest one on the market and even I don’t want to be in the same room with it when it is on.
Nuliajuk about 3 years ago
My big male cat has no problem with vacuum cleaners and will just sit and watch me while I use mine. He is unusual that way.
LoveBritTV Premium Member about 3 years ago
My nearly 15 year old cat is skittish about many things. She is wary of the vacuum but unafraid of it most times. She’ll leave the room eventually if it’s on for a long length of time or gets too near to her. Generally though, she just watches the vacuum and me. It looks to me as if she’s thinking “It has taken me days to shed that fur and spread it around just so. Why are you creating more work for me?”
LoveBritTV Premium Member about 3 years ago
I came upon this cat and vacuum comic today too:
rgcviper about 3 years ago
Our family cat, about five years ago, was perfectly fine with the vacuum. Didn’t bother her in the least. I miss her.